Have you just had one of those situations where you curse yourself for accidentally texting the wrong person?
You have a whole long spiel ready for a certain person, who you’ve been texting with for a while now, and then you hit the wrong name. You realize your mistake just a second too late, and scream out loud because its the wrong person. You check your outbox, maybe it didn’t send! But no, it says very clearly “Sent to…” and the blood drains from your face. Now what? Should you text them back immediately to say “wrong person” or should you ignore it, delete that cursed message from your phone and pretend you have no idea what said awkward-message-recipient is talking about when they inevitably bring it up. Should you continue texting the person you were texting before? Maybe send them the message that was initially sent for them, or should you stop, since now you have to worry about another person. And to make matters worse, you forgot you were in a public place, so that scream you gave out only moments ago, that was heard by EVERYBODY, and now you have to explain what is wrong or who died, or whatever they ask you. Or maybe you don’t know anybody, which just means that everyone standing around is giving you weird looks and that just makes you feel even more awkward! And then it happens: they text back. “What the heck are you taking about!? What does this mean!?” That is the point where nothing good can happen. Turn off your phone and leave wherever you are.
Okay, true, it depends on who you accidentally texted, and what you accidentally texted them, but seriously, have you ever been in this situation? At Ihop yesterday (or this morning…since it was like 12:30am) I was texting my friend, I told her I didn’t know anyone at the party she (and everyone else I kind of knew) had just left from. I accidentally hit “mom” instead of “Said-friend” (I mean, hello, it was after midnight! I was tired! I wasn’t really reading my phone correctly!) Again, this is AFTER MIDNIGHT and I just said I was out, and DIDN’T REALLY KNOW ANYONE. Yup, that was weird. Then there was that whole scream thing I had to deal with, especially since it was a bunch of kids from school, we were celebrating the end of the play. As you can imagine, my mom flipped out, people thought I was a freak, and it was still after midnight. Yup, that was fun.
Solution…I cancel your phone, problem solved. The also prevents any future issues.
Having been the recipient of said rogue text… I have to say, an immediate text back would have been nice… especially since you woke me up and then I remembered you were in a public place and didn’t know anyone! 😉 and you didn’t answer my immediate “WHAT?” SOOO, I vote for text back!