Suicidal Shakes…

After shopping today, Heather made the executive decision to stop by a Coldstone (her logic being she had a $20 gift card and she wanted ice cream.) Ashley and Heather both ordered strange, topping and caramel filled ice creams. I went with something a little more simple: a mint chocolate chip shake.

During the drive home, Heather made me hold her ice cream (mainly so that she could drive). I put my half-filled smoothie on top of the handle bar in front of the dash, and it stood there nicely. That is, until she took a sharp turn. I watched helplessly as my gorgeous shake took a suicidal leap off the dash, performed a perfect 360 front flip, slid between Heather’s knees, and rolled to a tragic stop on the floor. Unable to stop it without throwing Heather’s lidless ice cream everywhere, I “squeaked” in distress. Multiple times.

However, I am happy to report that no mint chocolaty goodness was spilled during the performance of this dessert.


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