So, as you may or may not be privy to, our family has two time-shares up in Granby Ranch (aka, Solvista). This basically means that twice a year we get to go spend time up in the mountains.
We usually go in the winter, skiing and all that, but the past couple years we’ve also been going up in the summer. There’s lakes up there and it’s just gorgeous, and this year we also have Waverunners!
So we got to ride around the 60°F water, and it was a total blast! We also rode the ski lift up the mountain (okay, so it wasn’t exactly a “ski lift” seeing as we didn’t have skis, but whatever). It was cool and stomach-dropping and different and awesome and I loved it.
I took a couple hundred pictures (okay, maybe only one hundred) and we had a great time.
Maybe I’ll figure out how to post pictures sometime…
Oh, and Mom’s staying up there for the rest of the week. Dad was in Vegas last week so we’re switching up parents… it should be interesting to compare the two when they’re flying solo.
I would like to state for the record that I did not have a microwave NOR a dryer during my duration!
AND… I’m allergic to seafood so NO FAIR!