Almost 3,000 people died on September 11, 2001. For those of you who can’t read the little date under the subject, that’s today (or at least when I’m typing this it is.)
In case you didn’t know, there’s a new memorial building going up in the site where the World Trade Center fell. It’s going to be over 1000 feet tall (1775, also the year our country was founded) and will be the tallest building in lower Manhattan. It will have all the names of all the people who died there and will have trees surrounding it and be gorgeous.
What’s freaky is living today and being alive and experiencing that day, while knowing that for any child born today, Ground Zero will be history, like any other event in our outdated textbooks. Won’t it be weird in twenty years when you’re talking to your grand kids and you will be able to tell them where you were on 9/11?
Also, I think it should be a national holiday. We should get off school and work and they should play the national anthem in time square or something and it should be a tradition to put a flag on your door or something. The only problem with this is what we would call this holiday. Ground Zero Day? World Trade Center Day? The-Day-Airports-Became-Security-Nazis? Yeah, I don’t think that’d really work…
We will always remember this day and all those who lost their lives and their loved ones. God bless America