So I was thinking about recent events that I could post about and nothing really came to mind, so I decided to post about our weekend.
I have to admit, I wasn’t going to blog about our weekend in Grand Junction (I figured FB and Mom’s Blog would pretty much have it covered) but then again, why not? I only have a handful of readers anyway and I bet the highlight of your week is my blog post (OK, maybe not… but don’t go crushing all my wonderful unicorn-filled fantasies now!).
So here it goes, the crazy weekend in a nutshell:
On Friday Mom pulled me out of school during 2nd period (YES!) In order to finish packing and help with any of the miscellaneous chores left before we had to leave.
We pulled out of the driveway sometime after noon (I’m not totally sure when- 2, 3ish maybe?) And we made it to GJ by 9ish… I think. We set up the camper at a KOA near town (and by “we” I mean Dad and William. I helped cook, excuse me, microwave dinner.)
Heather was surprised to see all of us, ’cause she was under the impression that it was just Mom and Dad going up. Surprise! Then we went to sleep. And that was Friday.
Saturday was the busiest day:
We visited Heather’s dorm (which was a complete and utter mess) and met her room mate. We did some of her laundry and ate lunch there.
Then we decided to go out to eat at the Mexican restaurant they all like (which I can’t remember the name of. El something-or-another.) We also decided to invite Tara- Dad’s 3rd cousin twice removed by divorce and marriage and inbred and crossbred and who knows what else (she may actually be directly related to us…) She’s a junior at CMU, and it was my first time meeting her. We’re pretty sure she’s terrified of us now…
After dinner we headed back to the campground and roasted some marshmallows and made some s’mores and ate a bunch of sugar. Somewhere in there someone decided that I would sleep with Heather in her dorm that night. I’m not sure who.
So enter the college life. While I was cleaning her room, 3 of her friends crashed the party. Along with her roommate and someone she was Skyping with. It was a pretty crowded room. Around 11ish they decided they wanted to go to Wal-Mart. So we went to Wal-Mart. An bought random sugary crap.
After returning to the dorm sometime after midnight, they announced that we would be playing a game called Munchkin. It was pretty fun, extremely random and a little hard to follow.
We ended up going to bed at some Godforsaken time in the morning. We woke up at 9.
On Sunday we ate lunch in the Cafeteria and we were packed and ready to go around noon. The trip back was full of traffic but pretty uneventful- as far as I can recall, I slept through most of it- and so here we are.
That was our weekend, how was yours?
ya know… FACTS… check your facts
and while yours are not entirely inaccurate, if someday you wanted to look back and know exactly what time we checked out of the KOA… that would be 11am… because we’d have to pay to stay any later
most of the times are “close enough” but would not hold up in court 
Tara is your dad’s 1st cousin’s daughter… so YES… she really is RELATED to you
You know, going to walmart at midnight wasn’t that bad… we got pudding!