Since the season is getting closer by the millisecond, we decided to put up the Christmas lights! (I know! It’s amazing that we even have the tree up before Dec. 23rd…)
The task of putting up the lights was mostly left up to Dad and me– with maybe a little coercing on my part…
I really wanted to put the “icicle” lights up on the high roof as well as the roof above the garage (<– if this makes no sense to you, go check out Mom’s blog.)
Now, this seemed like a simple task (not really…) at the time, but as it turned out, it was almost impossible to put the lights up on the high roof. We started by climbing up there and just trying to do it that way. It was only slightly terrifying and we managed to get a total of 1 clip attached before we gave up on that.
Our next approach was with a ladder. Another short-lived attempt. Ladders are scary, okay? And there was no place to set the ladder against because of Ashley’s bedroom window.
Then we had an epiphany! We could rope ourselves to the roof so there was less of a danger if we fell! Why didn’t we think of this sooner? Because it’s an absolutely stupid and potentially life-threatening idea. So of course we did it.
With the hard part done, we also hung the other lights. Some on the garage roof, some in the tree, some around the garage, some lining the sidewalk, some around the door, and some in the windows. We aren’t quite done yet; there’s still a couple of things we want to add to our masterpiece, but we’re getting there.
Who else isn’t looking forward to taking the lights down?
Oh well, they look pretty nifty