Taking Out The Trash Is A Hoot

I was actually VERY productive today, except YOU wouldn’t be able to tell what I did. I rearranged a linen closet and labeled the shelves. Ironically, I did this exact same thing a year ago, it was one of the last things I did before I got a headache. [ http://blog.scottsontherocks.com/blog/2013/04/08/its-not-a-head-achy/ ] You’d think… it would have stayed that way, but alas, it did not! Today, I cleaned a closet. 🙂

I also shredded several boxes of old documents (filled a black outdoor trash bag)! Today, I emptied boxes.

So, today, YOU can’t tell what I did, but hopefully this will fall in line with “never have to do that again!” [I will threaten livelihood if that closet gets undone again]!

I had a giant bag of trash. Tomorrow is trash day and I would certainly FEEL more productive if the bag left. To the trash I went.

Actually, I kinda lazily dragged and/or kicked dropped the bag, not because it was heavy, but because I was lazy! 😉 Feels good to have a choice. Since I was in full fledge lazy mode, I didn’t bother with shoes.

Not having my shoes on is normally not something to blog about, however, as I walked over and kick rolled the bag up to the side of the trash bin, I regretted not having shoes.

There was an enormous owl sitting on top the can! His head was rolled over in that upside-down owl manner that clearly ask “Watcha doin’ Willis?”

I explained that I was leaving the bag “right here and there is no need for him to move so that I can lift the lid;” and backed away slowly. Walking backward on rocks, in the dark, without shoes, is not something I have practiced in a long while!

As I finally reached the corner of the house and started to turn, he quietly hooted. I think that bag will be fine right where it is!

I have no idea if it is the same owl: http://blog.scottsontherocks.com/blog/2012/12/17/the-song-of-the-owl/

Since I did not know that I should have taken my phone with me to the trash, here is a consolation linen closet photo. 😉


[ Previous clean closet attempts: http://blog.scottsontherocks.com/blog/2012/08/04/the-closet-threw-up-in-the-living-room/ ]

[ NOTE: Kim said “But more importantly, did you find out how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop?” Alas, I did NOT… but shall endeavor to remember! ]

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