Skinned Knees…

As it turned out, I was babysitting this afternoon. Not that big a deal, except that everyone left with out telling me. Anyway, William walked in and asked if I would go play with him outside.

Uh, no? I’m not that loving of a sister.

Then he modified his question and asked if I would stay out there while he played outside.

That I can do.

So I collected my Chinese homework and followed him into the driveway. He pulled out his bike and helmet and started up and down the street.

I got through translating half of the sentence He always reads before going to bed when I heard a bloodcurdling scream.

William had taken a fall and ripped up his leg.

Now, William is almost as big as I am, so how the heck was I supposed to take him up the hill? Luckily the neighbor heard the screaming and came to rescue us.

Yup, that’s how I wanted to spend my afternoon- disinfecting skinned knees.


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