Archive for September 21st, 2014


Sunday, September 21st, 2014

For anyone who’s unaware (though, honestly, if you’ve managed to find this blog, you’re probably aware…) I’m in China now!

I left for China on September 11th and got here on Friday the 12th, so it’s been a little over a week since I landed and we’ve started getting settled in; our dorm has bathmats and wall-hangings now so it’s not as bare as it was when we first arrived.

We took an “excursion”—which ended up being sort of like a vacation within a vacation—last week to the Guangxi autonomous region in China; we visited PingAn, Guilin, Yangshuo, and took a tour down the Li River (to be perfectly honest the geography is all kind of confusing to me, so if you’re more interested in that, I strongly suggest you consult Google—or Baidu if you’re like me and are barred from using your favorite search engine.)

I will try to post pictures/videos of not only our excursion, but also of our dorm and campus life and other things we’ve done, but I don’t promise any semblance of regularity. Sorry? Not really.

Feel free to Skype/email/text/facebook message me all you want, but who knows if I’ll answer—Beijing is 14 hours ahead of Denver and Facebook is actually blocked here and my VPN isn’t consistent enough to be considered reliable—but go ahead and try anyway!

I’ll try and add more posts soon, maybe with pics.
