but Dad?!?!

One day I DID NOT have school, so mom told me to sleep in, and then she left.     …So, my dad called me to wake me up (for school). So he tells me to get dressed and eat while he takes a shower.  So he gets out and I am standing in the middle of my room half naked and half asleep.  So of course he yells at me. After I eat breakfast I say “but dad, I don’t have school today.”  But then dad joked about it, and said, “what would have happened if I said that at the bus stop.”  He was so sorry and told me to go back to bed, if I wanted to.

One Response to “but Dad?!?!”

  1. Stacy says:

    Oh! So maybe Saturday… go get your Dad up and ask him to take you to school …. 😉

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