This is my obituary. No, I didn’t die. I had to write one for my english class last year.
And of course, with the birth of the artist came the inevitable afterbirth – the critic.” ~History of the World Pt. 1
by ~dragonvampiress0115 aka Heather S.
On Friday, December 29, 2093, Heather Leigh (Scott) Tomi died of natural causes in her summer home in Osaka, Japan at age 100. Mrs. Tomi was a Marine Ecologist and an author after retirement, under the pen name of F. Renoir Jackson.
Mrs. Tomi was born on January 15, 1993, in Houston, Texas. Her family included her parents, Walter (Jeff) and Theresa (Bacon) Scott, her two little sisters, Courtney (Scott) Webster and Ashley (Ashe) Scott Carter, and her little brother, Walter (William) Scott.
Mrs. Tomi attended elementary school at Broomfeild Elementary then Nederland Elementary before moving to Buffalo Ridge Elementary. She moved to Texas in fourth grade and went to Grapeland Elementary. There she earned two Super Sandie awards, was on the Jr. Cheer Squad and placed in four UIL contests. In fifth grade she moved back to Castle Rock, Colorado where she returned to Buffalo Ridge Elementary. She attended Rocky Heights Middle School, finishing with a 4.0, and Rock Canyon High School.
Before graduating high school, she took the GED, after which, Mrs. Tomi earned her Associates Degree at Arapahoe Community College and her Masters of Science in Biology at Texas A&M Galveston. Eventually, Mrs. Tomi’s love for the Japanese culture and language enticed her and she transferred to Tokyo University where she earned her PhD in Ecology by the age of twenty-six. She became a Marine Ecologist and studied the Giant Squid off of the coast of Japan in the Pacific Ocean.
During her studies, Mrs. Tomi met Ashiya Mizuki who was her research partner and kohai—a classmate or colleague of younger age. It was love at first sight, when Ashiya introduced her to Aoi Tomi, the heir to Tomi Enterprises at the performance of Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami at the Shinbashi Enbujō Kabuki Theater . Mr. Tomi was five years older than Heather and already well on his way to being a very successful businessman. They exchanged wedding vows on July 13, 2020, and went to Ireland for their honeymoon. Two years later they moved to Kyoto and had two girls, Retah and Bou, and adopted a son, Hikaru.
Mrs. Tomi retired at the age of fifty, but toured schools worldwide as a guest speaker on pollution. Other achievements of Mrs. Tomi were the books she wrote called Colliding Worlds, C.O.P.s, Dragon Songs, Queso De La Chica, and The Love Chronicles of Dakota under the pen name of F. Renoir Jackson. She was high school friends with Rae Brandt, author of Twisted, Black Rose, and ‘Till Death Do We Ignore, who helped and inspired Mrs. Tomi’s writing along the way.
Mrs. Tomi lived with her husband, Aoi, until his death in 2078. Since then she has lived with her daughter, Retah, and her husband, Johnathan, in League City, Texas, but often visited her summer home in Osaka, Japan. Mrs. Tomi is survived by Retah, Johnathan and their two children Heza (30); and her husband Kiyoshi (32) and their children Lisia (10) and Drake (7); and Tyler (22), Bou and her husband Payton Trebor and their daughter Robbie (21), Hikaru and his son Myles (20).
Mrs. Tomi will not be having a funeral on Earth. The Tomi Space Shuttle will lift off at 10:00am on January 2, 2094, from Vancouver, Canada. In her will, she has asked to be placed into a Photon Torpedo and shot off into space. The memorial service and launch of the torpedo will be at 1:00pm January 3, 2094, in orbit of the Moon. There will be a private dinner that night at 6:00pm for those attending. The family asks, in lieu of sending gifts or flowers, please send contributions to the Make a Wish Foundation. You can find how to donate to Make a Wish Foundation at their website,
Tags: Rae
Hmmmmm… despite my first reaction to be a tad sad that my beloved niece passed away without my knowing…I really was rather impressed with her achievements in her lifetime!