Velvet Worm in the Life of Heather

Project for Lit and Comp for the book we’re reading called the metamorphosis.

“He watched as it slowly began to get light everywhere outside the window too. Then, without his willing it, his head sank down completely, and his last breath flowed weakly from his nostrils.” ~Metamorphosis, Frank Kofka

Velvet worm in the life of Heather Scott

It was a dreary gray day. One of those days where you just want to roll over and go back to sleep. Heather would’ve too if it weren’t for the fact that her alarm clock was screaming in her ear. She rolled over to hit the snooze button, but failed to in the process of knocking it off of the stand. Oh well, she thought to herself, might as well get up anyway.

Heather wriggled her lower half out of the covers, only to feel he butt slid to the floor. She felt the edge of the bed protruding into her stomach. At this she opened her eyes. There was no way that she was able to reach her alarm clock and be on the far end of her bed at the same time. She wasn’t tall enough. Her eyes snapped open and she pushed herself up on her arms, but she was only lifted a few inches off the bed, not the normal two feet. Her face was nearly touching the wall, but sedilly growing further away as she felt herself slowly slide off the bed.


Heather attempted to stand up, but found that she no longer had legs. Well, she did, but she had dozens of tiny ones that she couldn’t control individually. She thought about calling out to her parents for help, but they were probably still in bed. Her sisters would be on the main floor but knowing her sister, Courtney, all she would get was no help and a knocked out sister.

Well, at least I don’t have to go to school today. She thought to herself.

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