Ah a break. Finally.
I went home for thanksgiving. It was a 5 hour drive there in a little car with Christoph and Jenni. I wish I had done a little bit more studying over the break than I did. I had to cram yesterday morning for a test today that I ended up being cancelled =/ Karma.
I had gotten to the house around three. Mom was picking up kids from school, dad was in the office and I was outside trying to remember the combo to the door. I’ve had so many pins (bank pins, phone pins X how ever many times I changed it, door pins, game pins, class ID pins etc.) that I ended up giving up and going through the garage. I attempted to surprise William, but I failed cause I can’t easily fit in the back seat of a PT cruiser and still be hidden 100% from the outside.
Oh how I miss being able to take baths. We watched Psych (an amazing show) and I hung out with William most of the day, after my shower and before my bath.
We cooked. Cleaned. Ate. Like every thanksgiving. Except this year, my best friend Monina and her family came over and we ate with them. And yet, for the Second time in a row I have had two thanksgiving’s with rice. Saturday was her birthday so I gave her a little ceramic dragon (she likes dragons) and we had a mexican cake. I didn’t like it, too sweet. Neither did Monina XD
More sleep! I was so tired and wiped out that I ended up sleeping most of the day away.
I slept. William woke me up… seven or eight times before I got up and ate breakfast at 10. We went shopping… I got something for my secret santa person
We set up the tree and some decorations and I left for grand junction at 2. We arrived at about 7pm and I crashed. I really really do NOT like cars, car rides or driving in any form.
Had to wake up at 730 to take a shower and go to class. Ended up learning about how mixed up and corrupt the papacy was before 1563 CE. Did you know the church sold indulgences (get out of purgatory free cards) before Martin Luther rebelled? I’m starting to like Martin Luther more and more. He was a german monk that got sick of corruption and the lying. I may have never liked how some branched of Christianity worked but the history is actually pretty interesting. Which is saying something since I despise that class. And did you know that albinoism is actually an incomplete dominate trait? Meaning you can be part albino or full albino? How cool! OH, and if you’re albino you probably have 20/70 vision or worse.