First off, thank you for reading!
Second off, if you were one of the fantastic people who sent us a wedding gift, I will be sending out thank you’s soon. And by soon I mean as soon as I can find someone to take a good picture of my family; which includes two four legged kids.
Thanks to y’all our bed is made, we have dishes to eat off of, and silverware to eat with… a wonderful knife block and serving utensils to cook with and that doesn’t include the cooking ware galore that I use every day since I absolutely love to cook or the coffee maker that keeps Drew functional (thanks mom and dad ). And last but not least, the second microwave (well first, but our apartment evidently has one already) that we were able to credit towards a tv… Translation: THANK YOU FOR NETFLIX!!!!
With the money we didn’t have to spend, I was able to get Drew a PlayStation 4 for his (early) birthday. (Which was on April, 26… happy late bday) And with all the stress and frustration of working nights, and the fact that he’s classing up for prototype in two weeks (and if you know anything about the Navy Nuclear Program… you know that this final leg of his training is rotating 12 hour shifts of hell) I am glad he’s venting out by virtually shooting things in the head instead of being in a grumpy mood.
For those of you going; “he should study, not play videogames” you can’t begin to fathom his job. Not only is his job classified (I don’t know everything he does… which I haven’t decided if I care enough to hate yet) but his study material is the same. When he has to study they MAKE him study (10-2’s… ten hours a week, at least 2 hours a night… etc.) and he CAN’T study off base. He has to do it there. At least, that was how the previous two schoolings worked. So working 12 hours a day between 5-7 days a week… I think he’s earned his PlayStation.
As for me, I am once again working a minimal wage job as a cashier until I start going to school again. The plan is to do a few online courses (at least) while Drew is deployed. The reason why that is the plan, is because while he’s here, we want to get things done and spend as much time together. While he’s gone I’m going to need daily distractions to keep me going. Therefore; school. At least that’s better than babies (and for those curious; NO. No plans for kids… for a while… I’ll get on my child podium some other time).