So I realize that this happened about two weeks ago; so keep in mind that this IS OLD, but I forgot to post it, so enjoy
HAPPY NEW YEAR! And a wet one too!
So I worked today from 4-10p and called my hubby on my way home like I always do, and he’s on the other end FREAKING OUT. Why? I have no idea what exactly happened but from what I’ve heard, a pipe broke and the toilet connection legitimately exploded all over Drew (no, as funny as it would have been, he was not on the toilet at the time, but had just flushed it which was the trigger apparently).
Well about 100 gal of water flooded our house. Luckily since we’re renting he was able to get a hold of the maintenance guys, and they came out, shop vac’d the water and had a carpet/water damage/home disaster specialist come out and he literally took the BIGGEST vacuum ever (hint; it was his trunk) and sucked out all the water in about 20-30 min–and it was a LOT of water–and we now have fans UNDER our carpets.
If you know me, I always try to joke and make a silver lining out of a disaster like this… Drew’s not that type. So while I’m sitting here cracking jokes about how he clogged the toilet to the point of explosion (which no, he didn’t, but it’s still a funny joke to me and the carpet guy) he’s sitting there sulking. Good news; nothing of value was ruined. Bad news; no water for two-three days. Meaning no showers… or a washer. Well it’s a good thing I just found a random roll of quarters in an old purse!
Besides that, I love our new place. I know I haven’t really posted anything cause the holidays and everything, but it’s a three bed, two bath with a little backyard.
Other unrelated news;
Our pup is doing great, besides the fact that she is absolutely terrified of the fans and is curled up under my feet at the moment. Both cats are hidden in cupboards cause they hate water (that was adorable–I opened a kitchen cupboard to check for damage and I get two cat’s meowing their heads off in a panic). The snake is… well a snake and doesn’t give a hoot… but the fish are right at home!
Wait? Snake? Fish? I didn’t post about them yet have I? Well a few months ago Drew graduated from Naval Nuclear Training so he got a snake. I hate snakes. I have to feed and take care of it when he’s deployed. Why did I agree to that?!
The fish we got like, two?, days ago. Drew got me a 29 gal tank for Christmas on the condition that he got to pick the fish. We found a dirt cheap tank at a yard sale, and the only complaint I have is the filter sucks :(. However I got to get fish! Two electric blue acaras, one male named Ramza and one female named Yuna (bonus points if you know what those names are from), a Longfin Oscar named Mundo, an Albino Longfin Oscar named Illoai (bonus points if you know what those names are from), and a Bristlenose Pleco by the name of Cousin IT (negative points if you DON’T know what that name’s from). Yes… I’m fish obsessed. And no. We’re done with pets… they’re replacing kids for the time being
UPDATE: Illoai was a very fragile fish and passed away a few days after this was written. The other’s are still doing great though.