I was sitting here on my husband’s computer (weird huh? that 9 year old you knew over a decade ago is married?!) since, you know, my computer decided to randomly not load my OS for an hour (but for some reason I can use the task manager to launch programs?). Anyway, I’m sitting here 1707miles from my family reading my mothers blog (if you’re not familiar about it, shame on you [Moms blog]) laughing about my little brother growing apparently the size of a small whale, while also laughing at how my own pup, Delphi, sits like a human. In which case I promptly decided “Hey! I’m going to start blogging again.” WHICH, evidently I said out loud prompting a weird look and scoff from my husband, since he knows all about the tomfoolery that my mother blogs about.
Therefore, first new post: Hello from North Charleston, SC. My name is Heather Siemer, I am a Navy Wife. I have two four-legged children. Nightwing [More about Nightwing]ย the cat, and Delphine “Delphi” our two year old, 40lbs beagle/blue tick hound… who like’s to sit like a human ๐
TomFoolery… I need to remember to work that one into my blog ๐