I took a lot of pictures this Thanksgiving that included people I rarely get to see, and people who rarely allow themselves to be in photos. ONE of the photos came out very dark and blurry, so someone tried to delete this photo for me, from my digital camera. They accidentally selected DELETE ALL. While I had only taken 5 or 6 photos, those people were no longer at the gathering, I can NEVER recreate those memories.
TRUST ME… NEVER EVER… NEVER EVER… delete photos directly from your camera. Always download them first (without removing/deleting), always confirm that the photos downloaded correctly AND THEN… AND ONLY THEN… you can delete from your camera/card to free up that space for more photos.
THEN, you can delete the photo you dislike from your downloaded photos.
However, I always say, EVERY PICTURE tells a story… even a bad picture… there might be a funny story attached to it… Like, right when you were taking the photo, the lightswitch was bumped and the lights turned off! If you keep a journal, as I do, having that “bad photo” will help you remember. And photos are about memories, not just taking good pictures.
[NOTE UPDATE: 03/21/2001… Some of the people I had photographed, have since, unexpected passed away… and I am only left with the memories “I should have had copies of…” so please learn from me… DO NOT DELETE PHOTOS FROM YOUR CAMERA!]