NOT an anniversary to celebrate

Columbine High School massacre was 12 years ago.  Unless you had kids in school, and specifically kids in school in the Denver Metro area, this might just be something that you vaguely remember and mourn.  However, anyone with kids in high school in Colorado now, will tell you that things are a bit different here now.  Who knows what the policies are elsewhere in the country, but I can certainly assure you that no high school in the Denver Metro area would ever consider (much less get approved) removing cell phones from high schools.  As a result, they have embraced this decision and actually do a lot to utilize the cell phones in the schools.  There are tip lines, and volunteer groups and even voting contests…

Heather was in kindergarten… she happened to be home sick that day….

Today is a day that our district remembers… none of the kids have school, it’s a scheduled teacher in-service now as many parents for years kept their kids home.


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