I was parked in the car at the busstop and a bird slowly glided, then slowly swooped toward the car window and then landed on the roof of the car. There was a tap-tap-tap of a bird walking across the roof of my car… and then a second bird… tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap… and then suddenly an ENTIRE FLOCK of birds has landed on my car. The noise is INDESCRIBABLE! Seriously, I am a walking thesaurus and I cannot describe to you what this sounds like!
My first instinct was “someone has glued bird food to the top of my car and has a video camera”… and then I started laughing. Yes, I was alone in my car, but I dare you (NO… I double-dog dare you) to be in the same situation and not laugh out loud hysterically! Then, a car drove by and she was laughing and pointed at the top of my car [birds completely oblivious to her car]… me laughing, just shrugging my shoulders, hands up … I KNOW?!?! BUT WHAT CAN I DO?!?! [Jeff later suggested that I should have honked… but then, I’d have missed out on some seriously impressive humor for the day 🙂 ]
So now ya’ll have to go get a flock of birds to land on your car so you can help me coin a new phrase!