[pics incl] We’ve had this empty 5 gallon water jug for many years. We randomly put coins in it. When the kids were little, we started calling it the “Disney bucket” and we told them as soon as it was full, we’d go to Disneyland (or variation thereof). In this modern age of plastic, we rarely have cash and therefore, rarelly have loose change to put in the jug. Over the years, we have “robbed” it of quarters for laundry, or assortments of coins for learning money in school, or all the nickels for a board game. It’s nowhere near full, however, we plan to take a vacation soon so we thought this was as good a time as any to count up the coins for some extra souvenier money for the trip. We decided to have a contest to see who could get the closest to the correct amount in the jug, here’s a picture for you to guess (answer below):
Our guesses ranged from $143 to $600…. we decided to get a $10 or so iTunes gift card for the winner….
And the balance is:
You have to add the two receipts (one is the iTunes gift) $323.36