[pics incl] An attempt at turning mom’s (Patsy) banana bread into breakfast food 😉 [http://blog.scottsontherocks.com/recipes/breads/patsys-banana-bread/ ] No fires or smoke were induced with this cooking attempt 😉 [http://blog.scottsontherocks.com/blog/2013/02/22/was-that-a-fire-alarm ] My house/kitchen/pantry have all been rearranged since I last baked anything. I knew this beforehand but it’s one thing to know about it vaguely and another to actually discover where all the stuff was moved!
I couldn’t bake before my surgeries, so I can’t use that as an excuse 😉
Attempt #1 is banana bread (some w/ blueberry to see if we like that)
Attempt #2 is banana-zucchini, it sunk and looks like a fail but tastes fabulous… have no idea how to fix that.
Attempt #3 is back to banana w/blueberry