Nightwing, the Cat

[pics incl] We have a foster cat, named Nightwing. His “dad,” Drew, joined the Navy so he’s bunking with us while Drew is at basic. Our two cats are “thrilled” to have a toddler in the house… NOT! It’s only been a couple of days. Fortunately, we have three floors so they can spread out. He’s already claimed Courtney’s room as his own!

I’ve taken about 50 pictures of a black blur 😉 because he can’t be still!!! I think he’s about 8-9 months. Today, he discovered “another kitty!” I’m guessing by his reactions, that he has never encountered a mirror! I was laughing so hard, but I finally managed to snap a photo. When I saw the picture, it was kinda creepy but perfect for Halloween. 🙂



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