Updates 07/06/13

See previous posts for what’s going on, this is updates only… don’t forget some funnies in between 😉


07/06/13 12:05am blood drawn… guess they’ll turn drip on soon? head kinda hurting now?!

12:30am heparin drip running… wish me luck! gnite 😉

12:45pm saline out of solution…. so walk around room while waiting…..[jeopardy theme song]

1:20am all the bags are dripping… wiped out, gnite

ashley wants to stay up and play truth or dare 😉

2:00am new pain meds… not sleeping because head hurts 🙁

3:25am back on the oxygen tube… keep trying to escape….

4:00am vitals taken & walked a bit in room… wont release me from oxygen thing but does feel good to stand for a bit here/there…. gnite.

5:10am need labs done… took one look at my infiltrated arm & sent for the pro… she was the one here at midnight 😉

5:40am went thru 2 pros but not their fault if i dont bleed when they do stick me. they took all they could get this time. i hear ya… lab doesnt know why docs wont let them put a picc line… so here we are. i guess ill hear in a bit what my levels are….. gnite.

7:15am had to pause heparin drip said too much for now. also got labs: hglob 9, hematocrit 28.7. had pain meds & did walk room a bit…. gnite.

8:30am restart heparin drip, walk room a bit, 8:50 saline drip ran out

8:55am new saline drip…. ugh, and still have to wear oxygen mask

9:05am jeff & ashley shift change 😉

10:50am walkabt room a bit & streched, tired again in a good way

1:00ish drew labs but took every drop, took forever to bleed, there is no more in these veins!

2:10pm NOT going home today, taking slow & steady, no promises for tomorrow either. i’ll ask for pulse/ox numbers next vitals check. i am connect to 6-7 monitor cables but those are read “out there” and “they” call now and then to adjust the nasal oxygen & batteries for the device & say i still have PVC’s (which i assume is my every 6th beat skipps).

2:30pm increase the heparin drip

2:50pm walked around room a little, less dizzy than i was cpl hours ago. they did an orthostatic vitals? laying, sitting, standing. pulse ox said 95, 96, 98 not necessarily that order… and im not positive i read that correctly. head throbbing but tolerable. practicing my breathing tube thingy 😉

4:50pm new saline bag & i forgot that they gave me a iv shot of heparin when i was up earlier. had a short but restful nap & walked around the room much steadier this time. they are trying to get minimum if two therapeutic heparin iv drip lab tests before they test the xeralto again. at least i feel a bit more human 😉 now even with my head hurting… i’m somewhat used to that one. used to it enough that i’m not getting any pain meds this trip around the room 😉

THANK YOU FOR THE THOUGHTS & PRAYERS!!! obviously working 😉

9:00pm ashley and jeff changing of the guard 😉

blood draw more successful 😉

9:30pm spent some sitting in a chair and walking around the room. they had to put heparin drip on hold for a bit so took this opportunity to rearrange the room and readjust my bed 😉 havent had pain meds in hours but will accept them now for hopefully more comfortable sleep.

10:30pm heparin back on. ashley has me all tucked in…. gnite

11:35pm vitals are good. love how hospitals wake you up from the only sleep you’ve had, to tell you that 😉

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