Updates 07/07/13

See previous posts for what’s going on, this is updates only… don’t forget some funnies in between 😉


12:10am new saline bag. walked around room a bit. ashley becoming quite the pro at connecting & disconnecting all the devices & cables. 🙂

2:50am back was tired so got up & walked around room. came & took my vitals since i am up 😉

i’ve dozed off a couple times but i’m sure ashley hasn’t slept a wink!

04:05am sigh…. my favorite pros cant stick me 🙁 … got up walked around room, heat pack….

04:35am success…. blood drawn… wait on labs now….

6:20am meds delivery 😉 walk abt room a bit

6:50 gonna sit in chair a while….

8:30am been sitting/walking since earlier. ashley left & jeff on his way up 😉 sitting doesnt sound very impressive but i’ve convinced myself it’s progress 😉

9:45am jeff is here now & i spent all morning walking or in chair. ate breakfast in chair. kinda tired now but was hoping to get the lab results. gonna rest for a while… keep ya posted.

10:30am successful ptt blood draw… its taking them longer to even find veins & then they dont always bleed good. while they have one they’ve been grabbing every ounce 😉 got up and walked around some but back to napping it is.

11:00am labs results from earlier hemoglobin 9.8 & hematocrit 30 ptt 45

11:20am changed the heparin drip… still not theraputic

11:40am vitals 101, 65 po 85

12:30pm nap interruptus by very loud wrong number… and i was comfy with a nice warm cooked blankie!

1:05pm gonna start the xeralto tonight, then discontinue heparin, call in ot/pt people to make sure i can function at home…. maybe go home tomorrow.

3:15pm the iv alarms are set to only go off if i’m dozing off with a warm blankie… cant start xeralto till around 8pm so in a hurry up and wait pattern.

5:50pm xeralto in, heparin off, dinner (or something) served

7:10pm NO, NO, NO laughing…. even if i started it!!!

9:00pm changing of the guard, courtney is here, she made me laugh… i had to kill her 😉

11:45pm new saline bag. and i made us laugh again…..

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