Thank You

Thank you so much for the thoughts and prayers and calls and gifts and flowers, etc, I’m overwhelmed. Y’all ask how I am feeling… honestly… tired. But better.

My head still hurts a bit every day but my vision has improved drastically. While it’s not up to my own personal specs… I truly feel I can “see” the improvements; maybe not every day, but more often than not 😉 I’m still hyper-sensitive to loud noises and I have no idea if that will ever subside. I “think” my reading/spelling has improved, but be wary that while I might sound like I know what I’m talking about, it’s obvious I still make serious mistakes (and minor ones too 😉 ) Definitely don’t trust me with dates and numbers… even if I sound convincing… 😉 Spell check doesn’t yell at me quite so much but I often find myself trying to sound out words spell check doesn’t recognize… gettin’ there though 😉

There is no such thing as sleep in a hospital, so saying I’m exhausted from lack of sleep would be inadequate! It’s nice to be home and rest when I can, without the torment of needles! 😉 I know it’s been literally months since I have slept, so I have to be patient and not try to catch up all at once. I truly think I need a few more days before I can even consider any type of activity.

Hopefully, I can recoup enough to do “something”… anything, before summer is over and school starts again. I kinda feel like Rip Van Winkle… I had a headache and took a nap around Easter….

I’d love to thank everyone personally and I have no idea how to do that. I may just start practicing writing/typing short letters… to… everyone 😉 Therefore, I might need you to get me your address. I know I’ll probably never be able to repay the kindness… It’s a thought anyway…

Thank you again for lifting me up!

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