I Have a Problem with My Jeans

[pics incl]  I was pretty sure I washed all the jeans last night, including mine.  This morning, I was unable to find my jeans in the dryer… everyone else’s jeans are there, but not mine.  Maybe I didn’t wash my jeans.  Or maybe Ashley took them by mistake?  When I picked up Ashley from school she was NOT wearing my jeans?!?  Clearly the dryer ate my jeans!  But later, I found my jeans… ON WILLIAM!?!?!  For fair play, I put his on… but they are too short 😉  William did comment that he immediately noticed that his jeans pockets were suddenly WAY TOO SHORT for his phone?!?  [ON A SIDE NOTE:  Why is that?  Do jeans manufacturers not realize that women have the exact same size phones as men??… RANT….]

Losing shoes around here is nothing new:  http://blog.scottsontherocks.com/blog/2014/12/16/williams-shoes/

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