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Category Archives: Heather
Dinner with the West Family
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Mario’s Hugs
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We are Ashley’s family… again…
Do you remember when Ashley was a toddler and we’d go camping at Yogi’s and she’d run around telling people her name was Ashley and then later demanding to know “Do you remember my name?!?!” It didn’t take long for … Continue reading
Jaime missed us!
Heather came home from school for spring break and we headed straight to La Fogata to see Jaime (Hie-mae). We realized that we had been in a couple of times when he wasn’t there and it had actually been several … Continue reading
CROUP: that childhood malady that plagues worrying parents in the middle of the night; even when said child is 19 and off at college 300 miles away! It’s always interesting to get a phone call from your child’s phone with … Continue reading
and finally, Sunday the 15th
Today, our first baby girl is 19! Time flies… believe it when people tell you “yesterday they were in kindergarten.” I can’t believe how much you have grown and look forward to watching “the rest of the story.” Love you!
Birthday Sushi
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Friday the 13th
Hope you enjoy your Friday the 13th. Heather has always considered this her favorite day ever since she was little. SOOOO, in our house, Friday the 13th is a GOOD thing 😉
Duck, Duck, GOOSE!
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The “other” blogs
Ya know, if you are ever bored, you should browse the kids’ blogs… I promise you will at least smirk if not LAUGH OUT LOUD! 😉
Overheard in this house ;-)
1) I’m sorry, I can’t cook for you until I put my octopus in my room. 2) I’ll send you a thousand bells if you go take a shower. 3) My phone gets so warm, I want to put it … Continue reading
Folding clothes
Heather and I were chatting while I was folding a few loads of laundry. As I was folding a couple pairs of jeans, I realized that I wasn’t sure whom they belonged to. This often happens with mine and/or the … Continue reading
Peanut hears Heather
Heather called and I had her on speaker phone so that we could all talk to her. After several minutes, Peanut (cat) came into the room and started meowing. Heather heard Peanut and started calling to him saying “here kitty, … Continue reading
Christmas Tree 2011
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The thing about beans
Overheard: All we need is a bunch of beans and some of dad’s socks. I was tempted to leave it at that 😉 Ya know how little preschoolers and elementary kids make special arts and crafts for their parents for … Continue reading