[pics incl] Jeff showed Claudia how the meat rub works (08/01/14) and William stayed up all night tending the woods chips every hour! Great turnout for our annual Beverly Hills HOA party! The group sure did miss Dalton! [http://blog.scottsontherocks.com/blog/2014/06/19/ashes-of-her-friends/]
Courtney and Heather had to work so Claudia stood up and introduced herself as “Courtney Scott.” Everyone who knows better had a good laugh, we had to tell all the new folks otherwise. 😛
Nico wondered if he’d get “community service credit” (look close) and the “after party” lasted pretty late, so I went back outside!
One Year Ago 08/02/2013: http://blog.scottsontherocks.com/blog/2013/08/02/let-there-be-light-2/