More thyroid resources found…

I spent hours scrolling through websites for information… I’ll spare you a bit of the search as many of these you could follow for hours and get lost.  I looked “LEFT” and “RIGHT” and all the extremes and naturalistic and mainstream.  I offer no warranty regarding the information you find, just a starting point.  As, always, it’s a great idea to talk things over with your doctor… did you get a second opinion?  It’s good to have a lot of information but it’s also an overload.  You need to STOP… take a break and come back.  This list will help you do that too.  [please send me your favorite links if you like and I will add them to the list]

Cancer Curing Protocols by CureZone

Clinical Nuclear Medicine

Food and Drug Administration (look up all your meds, not just thyroid hormones… look up your artificial sweeteners (some of those might just SCARE YOU)… look up vaccines, etc)

HealthNewsFlash medical articles: Thyroid Cancer

National Library of Medicine (NIH): Thyroid Cancer

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