PepBoys is my hero (and I suspect Jeff’s too 😉 ).
Have you ever noticed that when windshield wipers stop working, they stop working completely, not just a little bit, almost making you wish you didn’t have wipers? Although the roads are completely clear from the last snowstorm, the surrounding snow is melting off causing the roads to be ever so slightly wet enough to cause annoying overspray. It’s a terrible thing when your windshield wipers make it worse! So a trip for new windshield wipers was paramount. I had done some research beforehand and learned that Michelin wipers were the best according to Consumer Reports but that basically all wipers needed replacing in about 6 months. We had some errands to run and a PepBoys was along our way and wouldn’t ya know, Michelin wipers were on sale 😉 AND….. PepBoys offers FREE windshield wiper installation. OK… it took the employee <3 minutes to swap out our wipers (and that includes stopping to make sure he had the right lengths on each side). I have to say, that was well worth it! Now there is no excuse for having worn wipers! SOOOO, change your wipers!