So many of ya’ll have sent thoughts & prayers for William and his friend Josh & asked for updates. Debbie posts here: as often as she is able.
This week William was pretty sick one day and had to stay home from school. We talked and he decided that a second day of rest would also allow him to spend some “daytime visiting” with Josh, as he’s been having some rough nights lately. William was back/forth several times to give Josh some breaks. Will said he was glad he was able to visit now.
I’ve also visited a few times. I hope he realizes how much I’ve missed him stopping by and distracting me 😉 Bless his heart, the other day, he was more concerned about MY head than his?! I try to stop by at least, every other day or so if I can, he’s been w/ nurses or often asleep, so i will sometimes just get an update from grandma (staying from NZ).
As of this posting, he has not really held anything (he said not even water) down in… I think 9-10 days or so. Bless his sweet heart, he’s still fairly good spirits when i visited. But William wanted to spend some daytime with him before he became unable to do so.
It’s difficult for me to post some of the antics going on in our house, knowing the heartache happening two doors down. The nerf guns last night also brought up sweet memories of Dalton. Hopefully, I continue to LOVE these boys by sharing stories that include them. Sometimes that will mean I will do it through the tears of a mother’s eyes, my kids might think i just laughed so hard i p’d a little… it might be a bit of both.
[NOTE UPDATE: I visited a while w/ Josh on 03/06/17 & found him resting on the couch. He still has not held anything down, I think it’s been about 12-13 days.
Josh was AGAIN more concerned about MY head. Had them turn the TV down because he said I can’t have it too loud. and he was asking how I felt because it was flurries but extremely windy and cold.
As if tumor growth & not eating weren’t enough, I know he’s feeling the “low pressure” too because he’s told me before that the weather also bothers him, but he’s … worried about me.
His hair is growing in, now it’s longer fuzzy. He said I didn’t need to massage his head today [we were playing w/ his hair & massaging recently] because the nurse/masseuse just left. [actually, he tried to get ME to book an appointment w/ her. this was one of those moments where I wasn’t sure if I misunderstood because “well, MY brain confuses ME”, OR if he had pulled off one of his quippy jokes that he’s actually pretty good at…, OR if this was in fact one of those moments of confusion that he’s been having. Since he said “nurse gave him massage” but I should “book his masseuse” [maaa-sooosss, w/ that hint of NZ accent] This could go any which way. And all the “adults” had stepped out of the room. I opted for quippy.]
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