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Tag Archives: Lambrecht
A Photo That Speaks So Much
[pics incl] A couple of weeks ago, I took this photo of our kitchen remodel, in progress. This photo tells a story that many of you may not realize. With Father’s Day approaching, I feel like sharing how our hearts … Continue reading
Dinner with Lambrecht’s 05/16/15
[pics incl] William took a photo for us, when we went out for dinner. Of course, all the guys took showers beforehand, after working on the kitchen tile all day. Whew… Roni and I were glad for that! ;-P
It Started with a Snack
[pics incl] Ashley came running into my room hollering “Just so you know, it’s 82% John’s fault, 15% William’s and 3% mine!” “What?!” “You can’t tell by my shirt?” “What’s wrong with your shirt?” “OH, you can’t tell because there … Continue reading
Ode to Paint Chips
We are trying to decide what color to repainted the walls around the kitchen cabinets. Currently, the walls are a very deep forestry green but I’m leaning toward a “country blue.” I know I have a bag of paint chips … Continue reading
Remodel Flooring Change… Again!
[pics incl] Jeff txt’d me a picture of one of the cabinets, sitting on some of the tile we purchased. Everyone hates it. We all stood there and finally decided we had to change it… again (we’ve gone from ideas … Continue reading
Kitchen Status 05/13/15
[pics incl] There is no kitchen 😉 Picture erroneously implies that Jeff is doing the kitchen, actually John has done 3/4 of it w/ Jeff, William and Ashley helping as schedules allow. We had to wait for the cabinets & … Continue reading
My Car Has a Flat Tire
[pics incl] Today, is one of “those days”… Murphy has moved in and set up camp (as in Murphy’s Law). My car has a flat tire. So, I was going to take Jeff’s car into Denver and he was going … Continue reading
Missing Dalton
Today, listening to Ashley talk about her prom and after-prom events, I realized how difficult this weekend must be for our friends Roni and John Lambrecht ( Dalton would have attended this prom as a junior in high school, … Continue reading
Beverly Hillbillies 04/11/15
[pics incl] They say pictures say a thousand words, and this one… captures the spirit of that saying! I took a panoramic, which takes a lot longer. All the while, I could hear them talking or fidgeting and I just … Continue reading
On the Receiving End of “Pay It Forward”
After they were married in the Douglas County Clerk & Recorder in Castle Rock, CO, we walked across the street to Castle Cafe to grab a light lunch. Since it was later, there were not many people, except for another … Continue reading
Drew called earlier tonight, while we were at Lambrecht’s, and told us that HE PASSED his comprehensive exam for nuke power school!!!! He officially graduates on Friday. We are SO PROUD OF YOU! Maybe when you get here we can … Continue reading
Dinner and Art Tattoos at Lambrecht’s
[pics incl] Courtney and I decided to hijack the Lambrecht’s kitchen, our logic was this: Our house smells like “cleaning stuff” (not smokey anymore), it doesn’t smell like awful chemicals, but it is a very strong smell. We do not … Continue reading
Hanging Out with Daxton
[pics incl] The cleaning crew is at our house washing walls, so Courtney and I bailed to the Lambrecht’s. Daxton was thrilled that a friend came to play and after a while one of them decided it was nap time … Continue reading
The Gang at Lambrecht’s 01/10/15
[pics incl] I know I’m missing a few of ya’ll whom were upstairs and didn’t hear me yell to stand still! I did take a bunch of photos but many are blurry or the back of heads. I’ll still pass … Continue reading
In Memory of Dalton
[pics incl] One year ago, we lost a beloved child, whom we considered our own. Dalton died in an unfortunate ATV accident. As part of their PAY IT FORWARD lifestyle, they received permission from CA to place warning signs … Continue reading