44 Random Acts of Kindness

Happy Birthday, Steve Damm.

A few years ago the brother of our dear friend Jim Damm, died of a brain tumor. Although he is not technically family, I have considered Jim to be “one of my kids” for almost 18 years! The loss of his brother, was an extended family loss, even though we had never met. Steve and his wife Tyra, approached his illness & diagnosis & subsequent fight with openness and humor; they purchased the domain thedammspot to track his daily progress and share the very personal struggle with others.

Tyra is a writer and has continued to share her life story and Steve’s memory. I pop in now and then “to check on Steve”…

Today, would have been his 44th birthday. In his honor, they are spreading 44 Random Acts of Kindness.

What a great way to honor his memory! Here is Tyra’s story: http://checkonsteve.blogspot.com/2012/11/join-party-by-doing-good-deed-sunday.html

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