The Thanksgiving Glitch…es

Ya know how every year there’s a Thanksgiving glitch? Around here, it’s usually the pan of burnt glazed carrots that we’ve never actually served, but alas, this year we never got around to the carrots. Glitch…plan B, was the pipe under the sink failed and flooded the kitchen. Heather promptly pointed out that our Thanksgiving glitch had been found.

Honestly, you’d think I’d have learned by now to stay off FB during “glitches….”

So I posted: “Dear Lord, thank you for teaching me patience… I mean TRYING… thank you for trying to teach me patience… and plumbing. Thank you for TRYING to teach me patience & plumbing… ummm…. obviously, I need a remedial course… in BOTH!”

Not to be outdone, our Dear Lord, with the sense of humor and the impeccable timing, cut the power just minutes before we were done cooking our Thanksgiving meal 😉

New FB post: “God has a sense of humor, I said plumbing NOT electricity!”

Our meal was fabulous!

We had a quick visit from Velma & David (between glitches). It was nice to visit while we were preparing our meal. Glad they were able to stop by on their way to another feast 😉

Hope you had a fabulous “glitch-free” Thanksgiving!

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