Lemon Larve vs. Maggot Juice

I think we can agree both sound gross. Recently, Mom has developed a taste for lemons in ice water. Unfortunately, we keep the ice outside when we camp. So we really shouldn’t be surprised when someone opens the ice chest and finds a bunch of tiny little maggot larva wiggling around in the bottom of it (where the ice is). Nor should we be surprised when Mom, who has been eating ice all day, gets sick. [note: the larve were bugs falling out of the trees] See here: http://blog.scottsontherocks.com/blog/2013/06/14/the-one-with-the-cheese/

Now you may remember that Courtney was in China during this time, so she wasn’t there when mom was drinking bugs. Well, Mom is still drinking lemons in ice water, so yesterday I made the comment that we should name the drink “Maggot Juice.” Mom disagrees, she’s under the impression that “Lemon Larve” sounds worse, and therefore much better.

So where does Courtney play into this? This morning I went and checked in on Mom in her room, and Courtney was standing in the bathroom. Naturally, I use the opportunity to test out which one is worse by asking mom if she would like some lemon larve. Mom, playing along, requests extra maggots. If you want a good idea of what Courtney’s face was like, try the same thing with your family.

Results guaranteed.

Unfortunately, lemon larve won this round, but feel free to leave your vote if you think the maggot juice is worse.

*Guest blogged by Ashley

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