Our Ladder Walked Down the Street

[pics imcl]  I was walking (no not chasing Pokemon, cuz I cant do that w/out superviosion HA!)… simce I was alome, I was just slow looping the street in fromt on my house and I pretty much DISAPPROVED that Steve was reaching over his head on his ladder… grrr. While I didnt give him my standard “neighbor lecture [ see here:  http://blog.scottsontherocks.com/blog/2012/09/27/old-men-should-not-climb-ladders/],” I did offer him a better stabilizing ladder & teenage boy!


MUCH better now, carry on Steve. 🙂

Kudos to Will for being abruptly volunteered for “helping a neighbor.”  I hear he was out pruning Ms. Priscilla’s trees this week FROM IN THE TREE… yes, better him, than you! 😝 But you could snap me some “blog pics”

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