[pics incl] Jeff has previously attended Cable-Tec [https://expo.scte.org/about-expo/] (think about tech & science of cable TV in your house) as Chater Employee but this year he’s here working the VMWare booth. [NOTE: if you missed that, he left Charter & works for VMware now : http://blog.scottsontherocks.com/blog/2019/08/23/vmworld-2019/]
This year Cable-Tec is in New Orleans, next year Denver. If you are @ Cable-Tec NOLA (*^), stop by the VMware booth 921 & tell them Jeff Scott wife sent ya & txt us so we can tag up! Expo starts tomorrow (Tues) and is over Th but we are hanging around couple more days.
*^ OR…. if you just happen to be in NOLA…