Banana Bread Padawan Learner 12/08/19

[pics incl] I’ve taken on a young Padawan to pass on the knowledge of my mom’s banana bread recipe! I know! It’s crazy right? HAHAHAHA

I’d say for a first attempt that the lesson went well. I literally only supplied the recipe and a teensy advice. Looking forward to future lessons (maybe I’ll learn something hahaha)

for those of you who know better :

of course there are many more posts of failures on my part HAHAHAHA

more humor:

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Games with O’Roarke’s 12/06/19

[pics incl] Jeff & I played Taboo with Karen, Duane & Michael (Meaghan was taking finals @ TAMU) Last week Hayley had us playing the Disney edition but this was the regular… I did MUCH better at the version HAHAHAHA

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Visit with Whitley’s

[pics incl] Last week I chatted w/ Uncle David re: Whitleys since he knows them well. I took a pic w/ Don since I took a pic w/ Uncle David. Obviously, Deidra and Robbie don’t count HAHAHAHA

Don made what’s called “Martha Stewart Breakfast Cookies” more like a breakfast energy bar… they are awesome. in the middle of that…. their large upright freezer died… taht was fun. I created a monster in Robbie by showing her how to use her roku to sign up for Disney+ and my kids had made me a list of the “chronological order” to watch all the Marvel movies (not necessarily by release date). and so binge watching began!

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Fishing at Gillman Pond 11/30/19

[pics incl] We barely got some fishing in before it was too dark to take photos! Every time we fish out here we have to talk about “the fish story.” Jeff caught a fish bigger than Courtney. You know every family has a fish story and the fish always gets bigger and bigger. BUT… we had witnesses AND… somewhere there’s an actual PHOTO!

Tonight, Jeff caught a couple and the boys got some bites…. mosquito bites! William did finally get one before we came inside.

YAY! and Patti found “the fish story” photo

the cows helped us fish the pond!

We determined that this photo of the fish and Courtney was taken probably the first weekend of May 1996… she was born in June of 1995 so… she’s about 11 months old. Granted she was not 10 pounds at this time but clearly the fish IS! [that’s Jim Damm in the background]

then there was the corn hole game

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Pace Family Thanksgiving 11/28/19

[pics imcl] We had a Thanksgiving dinner at Andrea’s and Mark’s. Chris and Sarah came over, my cousin Kacie and Thomas flew in and Aunt Virginia and Uncle David came over. Hayley made everyone sign in! I’m just putting photos below… pretty sure the one w/ Jeff and Hayley is self-explanatory HAHAHAHA Mark had a remote so we could take a group photo but it had an infuriatingly intermittent timer…. short of YELLING at the device, he started walking towards it & of course…. it flashed so he growlingly pointed…. like that helps HAHAHAHA… THAT picture though… is just SOOOOO expressive… enjoy!

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Gillman Thanksgiving 11/28/19

[pics incl] We went to Thanksgiving lunch at Patti’s & John’s. Jacque & Scotty drove down and we had extended Gillman’s (we all know each other or course HAHAHAHA) Courtney was ending her Thanksgiving in Shanghai and we Skype w/ her when we were taking some photos… so she’s in one! Someone realized we could do a group shot if we usedy watch as a remote… yah, I had no idea how to do that so William handled that! At some point Patti had Katie on the phone and we kidded that we should have coordinated better so that she could have been in a photo AND speak w/ Courtney HAHAHAHA

I’m just adding all the photos below

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Thanksgiving at Wyers 11/27/19

[pics incl]…no… not that Wyers hehe We went to Thanksgiving at Anthony & Ashley Wyers.

We were extremely fortunate this past weekend while we were in Grapeland, to be present for the baptism of Trip. We were able to see Anthony/Ashley, Jake/Jaycee and Jessica as well, when we had thought we were going to miss seeing them all this visit! The weather was perfect for Trip’s special day!… and I less my math is wrong, this child makes Jeff and I Great-Uncle & Great-Aunt (technically, Sadie is Jeff’s cousin’s daughter’s child HAHAHAHA)

Today we realized we were all gonna be around for the day and Anthony and Ashley graciously threw together an impromptu Thanksgiving. John and Patti also drove up from Alvin and Ashley (Scott) & William flew in LATE Monday. John and Patti have a high school student living with them so Dylan (sp?) was initiated!

Lots of pics to follow but I’m just plopping them in below….

Anthony turned his yard into a golf putting surface!

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At Pace House 11/25/19-11/27/19

[pics incl Just some random photos of our visit with Andrea, Mark and Hayley? Of course my parents too.

My mom showed me her new phone… she actually said “We couldn’t play Pokémon anymore so we had to get new phones” Yup…. I txtd Courtney

I’m not sure if they are playing a game or watching a video

They told me they were playing MarcoPolo… don’t ask me how it’s accomplished on a trampoline!

I do NOT get my nails done… just not a thing I do. I have been dragged a couple of times in the past but this time Jeff was instigating the whole thing. Saying it’s Christmastime so I should get candy canes stripes… (and NO… I don’t do red!) I told Andrea that he really didn’t have an opinion, he just wanted me to scratch his back but I have thin nails… which started a whole conversation about acrylic. It was all downhofrom there HAHAHAHA I let the owner of the nail salon be the boss of me so these are like Burgundy w/ silver accent stripes.

If you live in League City Kim Loan Nails(by where the old Kroger used to be) is owned by a friend of Andrea & Stacy…. Kim just calls me “sister” Feel free to let her know we sent ya!

We cannot get kolaches in CO. We have tried to get our local donut house to carry them but he thinks they won’t sell because no one knows what they are. I keep telling him “if you make them, they will come” Alas, we can only get kolaches as we get closer to TX. Bonnie’s Donut in LC also has giant FIVE pound cinnamon rolls. Of course I need a dead to txt that to Courtney and he was happy to pull them out for me.

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Esteban’s was Calling

[pics incl] Jeff and I arrived in League City and Esteban’s is calling!

Since it’s my parents anniversary, we decided to kill two birds (HAHAHAHA).

I txt’d Neil the plan and he asked if we wanted to wait for tomorrow ao Ashley and William can go…. ummmm… NO!

Afterwards, Jeff encouraged Hayley to “need” a Blizzard from Dairy Queen. While we were driving Hayley asked what the altitude meant on our car display… and we explained “feet above sea level”. Just FYI, our house is 6450ft but the LC DQ is 0

FYI… yes of course we took the kids to Esteban’s for lunch the next day!

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Houston County Lake 11/25/19

[pics incl] I took a couple photos before leaving the lake house. Mostly because John had used the leaf blower on the deck yesterday and you cannot tell. I also thought the kids might enjoy seeing it (and ya’ll).

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[pics incl] Jeff and I have driven down to east Texas to visit and hangout at the lake house for a few days. Tonight, his sister Patti arrived and started describing a drink she wanted to try making because they had liked it at a restaurant… “it’s called [something I don’t remember] Razzmatazz”

I just started laughing because clearly this drink has been named after me… and I can show you why.

When I started attempting flying on airplanes again, I bought some bluetooth noise cancelation headphones. These have a feature where you can pair them with another set of headphones and SHARE what you are listening but you each still get to control your own volume. It’s nice for watching movies and I can turn down the loud that still hurts my head.

I named my headphones Raz-a-ma-TAZ. Trust me…. I have a list of quirky sayings w/ TAZ in them HAHAHAHA

…and NOW… I have a drink HAHAHAHA

[NOTE: here’s why TAZ:

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Congrats William

[pics incl] It’s official, technically, William is enrolled at CSU-Pueblo … in Castle Rock. It’s all very new and he’s helping them work out the snafus in the process. It took a bit of doing to get his official transcripts from STEM and he had been dual enrolled at ACC. Now he is in an innovative new program at the brand new campus built in Castle Rock. He’s majoring in cyber-security in a partnership between ACC & CSU-Pueblo, where he will get his Associates in cyber-security first, then Bachelor’s.

However, since he was dual enrolled and had extra AP classes, he’s a little bit ahead of the pack and they don’t have all courses he needs setup in the order he is currently progressing… HAHAHHA and since it’s brand new, not everyone in office staff is familiar with courses etc. He’s on firstname basis with everyone now HAHAHA

After they collected all his transcripts & AP scores and test-out scores, he’s technically a sophomore at ACC & CSU-Pueblo. Congrats, very proud of all your hard work (and evil genius )!

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So, I updated my phone

I had been hesitate to update my phone because many reports said the updates actually BROKE my version of iPhone & none of the subsequent updates repaired issues….. until iOS 12.4.3 but once I got ready to update iOS 13 was already out.

SOOOOO…. I made surr I could update w/ my version of Apple Watch, backup to iCloud etc at 11:55pm 11/16/19 BUT NOOOO… it hung up in the process and after 12 hours… I had to reset the phone & hope it resumed. It appeared to work but then all of a sudden…. “black screen of death” Had to reset phone which forced it to START OVER and the restore from iCloud (vs having updated the iOS while leaving all my data intact) HOURS later it appeared to have completed

until I tried to sync my watch and got errors. that forced me to wipe my watch (losing past 24 hrs) and then… it said “can’t update because you aren’t connected to internet ” YES I AM!! grrrrr! I spent HOURS troubleshooting this w/ zero success!

So I contactedy MY local (in-house) IT support HAHAHAHA now it’s William’s turn. He repeated everything I tried… even tried on his phone (same error) before contacting Apple Support (via txt from MY phone)

He txtd w/ them, got escalated… txt more… escalated more… then they called on HIS phone … escalated. pushed a new ios update (so ios 13.2.3 is cuz of him i think)… didn’t work, says not connected to internet but… we are, we downloaded iOS 13.2.3 update (using the internet)  soooo… they are gonna call him on wednesday so they can troubleshoot together(he feels special) [I’ll keep ya posted how THAT goes]

so… my phone can txt now, i’m naked w/out my watch! IF you happened to txt me between 11/17/19 midnight and 11/18:19 5:00pm I didn’t get it. And the I didn’t realize afterwards that I couldn’t txt non-iphones until 11/19:19 8:30am

no one else has had issues but wanna know something…? I MISS MY PALM! (I say this multiple times a week, now seems super fitting)!

I’m still learning the new iOS 13 features… so bear w/ me!

[NOTE UPDATE: William spoke to Apple support for a while on Wednesday. They pushed a different WatchOS to my phone. that only took ALL DAY to download and install… so again if you txtd me 11/20/19… if I didn’t answer, I don’t get it. HOWEVER…. all is right w/ my world again. Wilohas everything working… my hero HAHAHAHA I THINK I can call/txt from my devices now]

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Trans-Siberian Orchestra

Jeff got us all tickets to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra. If you don’t know who that is… you do and just don’t realize. Wizards of Winter is one of theirs that became hugely popular years ago when people started syncing their Christmas lights to the sounds of the music. The show was a full 2.5hrs of total entertainment with a large portion of it Christmas themed. Words would not adequately describe it so I’ll just leave you with this… if you ever have a chance to purchase tickets… DO IT and trust me, it’s worth he price.

Posted in Ashley, Daff, Heather, Jeff, TAZ, William | Leave a comment

Courtney Ran Errands with Us

Let me point out that Courtney lives in Shanghai, we live in Colorado. For the past few weeks we keep missing our regularly scheduled Skype sessions so we very diligently coordinated a time for early this morning. With the daylight savings time change she is now 15 hours ahead of us which makes this Skype appointment late evening for her. She & friends suddenly needed late night food but we had gotten up early so now we need coffee… and breakfast… and while we are out let’s drop this off…. and this.

She txt’d when we were finishing breakfast and we told her we’d sit in the car to chat… but we still need coffee… wanna go thru the drive thru with us? And that turned into running all our errands while on Skype w/ Courtney! if possible one of us just ran in to… pick up a package or buy cat food. we took turns. Today’s list of errands was so much less tedious!

Jeff claims it was cheaper too pecause we both weren’t in the store at the same time going “hey do we need to buy this thing too?”

If you have long distance family & friends…. drag them along with you while you do chores!

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