[pics incl] Jeff bought partial season tix this year to the Nuggets. He & I went to the home opener on 10/25/19 but I forgot to take pix ☹️ That was a great game and the Nuggets won in OT.
Sadly, I can never remember any of the players (sigh… short-term memory loss) so it’s kinda been like a season opener for last 6 years HAHAHAHA! However, basketball is in my blood so I still love watching the game and of course have opinions. Now, instead of knowing player’s names I say stuff like “guy in orange shoes… (assuming I have colors correct today!)” or”tall skinny guy” or “football player dude” Jeff keeps track of my comments and apparently I’m fairly consistent from game to game on my comments. he told me I always say the one guy I recognize (but not because he’s w/ Nuggets, he’s just a veteran NBA player, it’s actually confsing to me to see him on Nuggets) “looks more like a football player than a basketball player” that’s “football player dude” BTW… I really miss my personal commentator, Blake Olson! [ http://blog.scottsontherocks.com/blog/2016/02/06/blake-olson-part-2/
So when we went to the season opener on 10/25/19, I needed a new jersey (I’m still grumpy I never got a Nene but we’ll gloss over that). Apparently, they think women only want one of three players… that’s it. But I don’t necessarily choose whom I follow based on opinion or even MVP stats (don’t even get me started on who I’m grumpy about on the Rockies 😋 and at least the hand-me-down Broncos jersey I got from William was the one player I had actually met (cuz I don’t know football… I do basketball!)! [ http://blog.scottsontherocks.com/blog/2011/02/15/hold-the-elevator/ ] ) I don’t know these 3 players. I like diamond in rough kinda players & follow them & unless they crash & burn I’m pretty loyal. Apparently I have one I keep mentioning & Jeff claims I said he’s kinda cute kid too. what more can I ask for? A jersey! hello?! …but NOOOO, he’s not one of the three….
Had to buy a jersey dictated by the masses. The entire game someone would score and I would look down and “what number do I have?” It’s not that these three aren’t good players, he’s awesome, but this number wasn’t one I’d naturally follow so it was confusing. oh well… at least I have a jersey now HAHAHAHA!
Ashley & William went to the next game and she asked to borrow the jersey and apparently it was her first choice and she was glad. Nuggets won for them as well. We plan to alternate so everyone has a chance to attend.
Tonight’s game technically wasn’t part of our season pass pack, we got them extra at the last minute. I wasn’t gonna bother hunting down the jersey. And it turns out they were having a sale on jerseys. We went over to the men’s section & found one for me and now all is right w/ my basketball world (even if it turns out the guy is awful 😉 ) I’m not sure the one I got was actually on sale but now you know ONE of the few (ha ha) reasons why Jeff calls me “high maintenance”
The Nuggets had a really sluggish start & it was actually turning into a blowout. The refs were making some questionable calls (for both teams but a couple awful game changing calls against nuggets) Fans started clearing out in the 4th because we never…. not once… had the lead. They were starting to creep closer and the refs were still making questionable calls but suddenly it felt a bit more like a game w/ just about 4 minutes left. My head was being cranky but I had faith… so we stayed. With one very ugly crazy “how did that work” shot w/ 1.2 seconds left…. the Nuggets got a one point lead?! It of course took 15-20 minutes to play those last few minutes of the game but at least at the moment… I remember that they won 100-97
How’s that for a “hey we went to a Nuggets game” story? HAHAHAHA

Don’t ask.. I already put the jersey in the wash and I forgot the number… I have no idea whose bball career I’m officially following /supporting from now on… have to ask Jeff. and I’ll find out soon enough if Ashley reads my blog…. and realizes she has a jersey now HAHAHAHA