Heather Needs Help, pt2

[pics incl] Heather just came up two flights of stairs, not quite crying/ not quite laughing, “Mooommmm! I need help!” I took one look at her, gave her “the knowing look” and went to get a camera. She wasn’t injured, nor in any immediate danger and this was a moment that must be preserved. Hair… stuck to fly trap. She has been rescued and shower has been prescribed. I suspect glue will wash out. Unlike “other previous bad hair days!”

This is the second such moment in her life (actually, it’s 423, but who’s counting?). About 10 years ago, she had the brilliant idea to put her hand THROUGH a square tissue box dispenser… and I stifled the laugh before taking the picture. No, stifling tonight!



Heather is HAPPY her hand is stuck in tissue container

Heather is HAPPY her hand is stuck in tissue container

Heather is STUCK!, her back pocket button is caught on a rock!

Heather is STUCK!, her back pocket button is caught on a rock!



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