[pics incl] Yesterday, we had the privilege of paying our final respects to Dalton [ http://blog.scottsontherocks.com/blog/2014/01/07/daltons-obituary/ ]
This morning
(Doig’s: Marc, Traimee, Theron & Herta; Tanya Leung) [pics w/ Marc: http://blog.scottsontherocks.com/blog/2014/01/10/marc-is-here/ ] [pics w/ Tanya: http://blog.scottsontherocks.com/blog/2014/01/07/leung-pics/ ]
Today, was the party (aka. the Memorial). Sooo, many people shared truly personal moments with him… awesome!
Pay It Forward… Do It for Dalton Lambrecht (DIFDL)
The balloon farewell
Tonight, the “kids” all went bowling… all the guys grabbed our DVR and took it to the Lambrecht’s to watch the Broncos game.
That’s what the Lambrecht’s are all about… Paying It Forward!
Pay It Forward… Do It for Dalton Lambrecht
I am so proud of all our neighbors and all the kids … words cannot do justice to the friendships. The kids took some bowling pictures … with the flash turned on 😉