Thyroid Updates as of 12/29/21

Looking back it seems I haven’t really posted updates regarding my thyroid scans since 2016 []

I had a thyroid ultrasound in July 2020 which showed a small nodule but the plan was to just monitor bloodwork and scans. Then…. my endocrinologist decided to retire. She had been talking about it for a couple of years and with COVID… she decided it was time. Sigh, she was one of the last doctors I have that KNOW me… from before clot… so I knew her. I don’t know any of the “new doctors”

It actually took a while to find a new endocrinologist that was taking new patients (during covid) and could also manage a history of thyroid cancer. After reviewing my scan she adjusted my meds.

I had another ultrasound in July 2021 which showed a second module. New doc decided to adjust my meds again and schedule another ultrasound in six months.

It was a funny when I had my last two ultrasound because the same radiologist has been performing and/or reading my scans since the beginning. (I know her) However, a few years ago she stopped performing scans and has only been reading scans from another location. At my appointment in July, she just happened to be in the building to eat lunch with a colleague, so she stopped in when she saw my name…. and YAY! I knew her. My appointment in December had to be rescheduled and she still insisted on being the one to read my scans. Apparently, for the best in thyroid care in Denver metro… it’s a small world and her name is all over it! I’m grateful

The ultrasound on 12/07/21 showed the same two modules with no new growth. My meds have been tweaked just a little bit more at my 12/29/21 appointment and I have a follow up in June 2022.

During this time, my bloodwork has had undetectable Tg levels. That’s all good! (thyroglobulin) is the thyroid cancer indicator they look for.

Will keep you posted.

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