I Edited the Whiteboard Post

For you entertainment, If you snuck on here last week, you saw a test post that did NOT email as expected. I have updated it with more pics and the text dialogue to the best of my ability.


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Caught Red Handed/ Paw

[pics incl] I literally caught Popcorn eating Courtney’s Chick-Fil-A! No he wasn’t stealing it, I busted her sneaking him bites! She didn’t see me, so of course, I snapped a picture. But I didn’t like that one so I MADE them sit there and “recreate my photo” until I did. HAHAHA 😂😂 Popcorn was only happy to oblige.

I’ve said this before that I have no problems “recreating” or staging a candid… AFTER I’ve taken the candid that could tell the story but cleaning up, tells the story BETTER. I tell ya’ll when I do it. In this instance, Popcorn had dropped his bite of food and bent to pick it up right as I took it. In THAT photo there was just a cat looking at the floor while Courtney had her hand in a weird position. Not exactly what “I saw” so I called a do over!

Posted in Courtney, Pets | Leave a comment

Claudia is Home from Tokyo

[pics] YAY! Claudia is home from Tokyo for a while! We had some birthday celebrating to make up and went out for dinner.

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We Need to Establish Whiteboard Rules

[pics incl] Way back around 06/17/21, Heather made an innocent whiteboard remark. A few of you have seen some of the progression in real time, as this innocent comment has spawned a two month long comic strip. We’ve had to purge “real whiteboard” news of course because our snippets are certainly more important than chores!

I propose that in the future each new contributor to the mayhem be assigned their own unique color! AND no more “hogging up” precious whitespace w/ GIANT letters.

[NOTE: the blog has been broken, hence no posts. I’m not sure it’s working but figured this is a good test. IF it works, I’ll come back and post some “in progress” pics. it might be too ambitious for me to try to type it up]

Helpful hints: it’s helpful if: you’ve seen Highlander, Friends (The Soup Nazi), Eddie Izzard, Monty Python. it’s helpful to know that in text based games or board games: you often clap your hands (or text that you are clapping 👏) and sk=shorthand for serial killer for those games

[UPDATE… OK… Here’s my attempt at “in progress “…]

As you can see, this started with a chore chart for making sure the dishwasher gets loaded & started every night. It SHOULD say “Courtney” but I dunno if it accidentally got smudged a bit or if someone (maybe Ashley?) actually wrote “Court.” After a couple weeks, we ALL left for camping and Heather was in charge of coming over to feed cats (Heather doesn’t live here)… made an innocent comment… obviously to intend that “court” is so sloppy that it looks like “COVEN” and she wrote: “coven of witches?” Keep in mind Ashley has had surgery on BOTH elbows and can barely hold a marker to write!

as of 06/21/21

H: coven of witches?

W: Dibs on coven leader

T: goes to elder

W: unless there’s a coup

T: then goes to next elder…YOU are last😁

W: Genocide

as of 06/30/21 [as I was txting a few of ya’ll the live version… I kept getting requests to explain “ghost pepper” so I backed up to take the photo. It’s the SALSA that we purchased w/ expiration dates😂]

T: can it be a coven of only 1?

A: team w/ SK (last one to clap dies)

T: [in Scottish Accent] There can be only one

as of 07/17/21

H: technically there IS only one witch does she automatically win?

W: Burn the Witch!

??C??: But how do you “know” she is a witch?

as of 07/24/21 [the kids didn’t get the “there can be only one” reference so I gave them a hint (Sean Connery). (SOMEBODY didn’t use the menu “block” and we had to sneak around the bottom then wrap around to the top of the board)

J; If she floats (get a duck)

H: She turned me into a newt

T: then do you burn them all (witch, duck, newt) or offer them “Cake or Death?”

C: We are out of cake

T: we get fancy bread delivered will that do?

J: so it’s Death or Death?

as of 07/27/21 (clearly chores & homework are are less important…. erased all that to make room for this…)

A: “CAKE, I said CAKE!”


J: NEXT!!!

A: I’ll have the vegetarian

T: witches can’t be vegan… see newt

as of 08/05/21

??C??: she was going to EAT?? the newt?

T: eating a newt… it’s HOW you become coven leader (arrow drawn back to the original coven comment)

this brings us to the photo i posted above

as of 08/10/21

W: what came first the newt or the coven leader?


W: did you eat a newt?

T: Dear Pandora, YOU opened THE box?!

as of 08/14/21

C: If “I” did, do I get to be coven leader (she means eat a newt)

T: 1) must see you turn someone into a newt, 2) must see you eat said newt, 3) “I” CANNOT be the newt!… THEN I’d concede

W: Too late, you are already the newt

as of 08/18/21:


A: I don’t think that word means what you think it means!

As of 08/21/21

yah, I’ve given up trying to narrate 😂😂

As of 09/01/21:

As of 09/05/21:

The End

Posted in Ashley, Courtney, Heather, Jeff, Random Scott News, TAZ, William | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Blog NOT Working the Way I Expect

Well, sorry you got that “Happy New Year” twice. It said it sent the whiteboard pic pst… which it don’t… so I hit resend & it sent again the New Year’s

Technically that’s the third time cuz it originally sent in Jan 😉

Maybe it’ll work right next week…. but I’m tinkering w/ troubleshooting.

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William Has His Associates

It’s official! William has an Associates in Cyber-Security (I think that’s what it is officially) When he gets his diploma in a few weeks, I’ll verify! He’s continuing his studies to earn his bachelor’s in cyber security! CONGRATS!!!

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Happy New Year 2021

Almost everyone I’ve talked to has made some comments recently about “ushering OUT 2020″… making sure to stay up late to see it leave, etc . Jeff made a comment “wouldn’t it suck if we wake up and it’s December 32, 2020?”

Hope this year finds you all healthy and safe! Merry NOT-Dec 32 ya’ll 😂

Posted in Random Scott News | 1 Comment

Merry Christmas 12/24/2020

We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas & safe & Happy New Year! We haven’t had the opportunity to take pictures so here’s the last one for your amusement: http://blog.scottsontherocks.com/blog/2018/04/21/scott-family-portrait-04-21-2018/

Posted in Ashley, Courtney, Jeff, TAZ, William | Leave a comment

Posted a Couple Drafts

I finished up and published a couple of posts I had in draft. 09/08/20 & 09/12/20 my reading, spelling & grammar are still… a work in progress so hopefully it all makes sense.

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30th Anniversary Dinner

[pics incl] We took all the kids over to Pino’s (used to be La Dolce Vita).

Jeff has the kids go around the table and give what he calls “a dad status” That is along the lines of “watcha doing these days” in their own words. But somehow the story go diverted to “the dinner we didn’t eat” a couple of weeks ago and I’d just like to point out that IT WAS NOT MY FAULT … entirely. Yes that could be an entire blog post all to itself but the entire topic has been banned by… the accords hahahaha Maybe i should let ya’ll vote on whether or not I ruin your dinner with such a post hahaha

The head waiter, Sam, ended our evening by fixing banana’s foster and singing random ballads. If you’ve ever been around for Sam to sing, it actually is a real treat!

Wile Sam is spectacular for dinner & music, the multiple attempts at a group photo shot was quite amusing and mostly blurry hahaha In the end, only one of the shots is even usable!

Last year we were in New Orleans: http://blog.scottsontherocks.com/blog/2019/10/03/anniversary-dinner-at-muriels/

We often go camping: http://blog.scottsontherocks.com/blog/2016/09/28/26th-anniversary/

Somewhere in previous posts, I think I put a wedding pix but just for kicks how about one w/ the wedding party? See if you recognize anyone?

Posted in Ashley, Birthdays & Anniversaries, Courtney, Daff, Heather, Jeff, TAZ, William | Leave a comment

Maybe A Bit More Blogging

I’ve had a few requests to pickup blogging again. Thanks for the interest! I’ll just randomly post now and then

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Val & Paul Visit 09/12/20

[pics incl] Val & Paul Morrison stopped through on their way to visit some national parks (Rocky Mountain National Park & Pikes Peak were on the list and we are between them!) They brought some friends Bo & Jody. So in this new world of social distancing… we met at a restaurant first. We did scootch together a bit when I was behind them for photos 😉 When we did return to our place, we spread everyone out using chairs too.

We all LOVED having them visit and meeting Jody & No was also a real treat! Jody and the girls literally spent hours discussing books, casts & movies like they have known each other all their lives! Come back anytime! [as i’m typing that i’m laughing cuz it “sounds like” something along the lines of “Ya’ll come back now, ya hear?!”😂)

Colorado has been on fire so it’s been so overcast and smoky. I wasn’t sure they’d actually get to SEE the places they wanted to visit. As if on cue, mother nature spent a day turning our 98* weather into snow?! Their visit was pretty cool & clear. Colorado promptly caught of fire again the moment they left?!

more Val & Paul: http://blog.scottsontherocks.com/blog/2012/09/16/hey-aunt-val/

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Camping Aug 30 – Sep 8, 2020

[pics incl] We decided to go camping for Labor Day. Many of the campgrounds have been closed so we were hoping one of our favorite first-come-first-served places had availability… since it’s close to our house, we threw some tents in car and drove out and YES! we were able to get one of our favorite spots! We popped up the tents and went back and got the camper. After e set up the camper, we couldn’t get the water to work so Jeff dissembled everything… right before he took out the last screw to the water pump… we were discussing that we have had this problem before… and that time had only been “too much pressure on the line”…

well at least he hadn’t completely unscrewed the water pump. haha

The following morning, Jeff had to work so we headed home (also to get the bazillion things we forgot HAHA) but first… there’s a bakery! Turns out they also own/run the restaurant we often go to so we already knew we loved the pastries… we just didn’t know it!

Our campsite was literally along the fencing of Pike National Forest and the hiking trail is along the fence. Hikers and equestrians would meander by (this campground also has a separate section of horse sites you can reserve). One evening i *thought * hikers were approaching but I didn’t look up cuz… well i’d get nothing done… but the walking seemed to be closer than normal… and the 5-6 deer confirmed it. We all froze.

I slowly took a photo and tried to remember where the deer were standing… sigh… i forgot & now i dunno where… maybe YOU can find them.

The wind has been kinda crazy and our small grill canopy keeps banging against the camper. The day before, i has found “a thing” in a drawer that was left over from when we put gym mats under our mattresses. It’s a “puzzle hook” but it makes a great redneck noise cancellation buffer!

The wind has kinda cleared up the sky now too. Enjoy views

Jordan had Search & Rescue training in the campground parking lot and the nearby ATV range. She came to spend the night once and came to shower before sleeping in her tent the next night.

Heather, Daff & dog (ugh i can’t remember dogs name), came out for lunch on Labor Day. I snapped a bunch of photos of the campsites but they left before i could get group shots)

[note: yes this is the same campground, just a different site: http://blog.scottsontherocks.com/blog/2019/06/27/camping-06-27-2019/ ]

THEN… even though it was 90+ outside, we started getting winter storm alerts?! and then there was a fire at the ATV range! So our 2 week camping trip was coming to a screeching halt because 1) we are tent camper w/ 7″-15″ snow expected 2) we have to go winterize our evaporators cooler! Since Jordan was at the ATV range and now they are done, she came to rescue us… or Jeff, because he was left with Courtney… and me… to pack down campsite.

Courtney discovered a new favorite camping tool… they FINALLY made a drill bit for the stabilizers… she’s been the designated HAND CRANK person most of her life (well she is closer to the ground😉)

Look at that photo up higher in this post, of Indian Peaks from the stop sign. Nice, clear, blue skies! Now look at this one

I promise it’s about 93* outside!

I took some pics/screenshots of the crazy weather…oops! HAHAHA

Posted in Courtney, Daff, Heather, Jeff, Jordan, TAZ, Weather, Wildlife | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Congrats Ashley : College Grad!

Ashley has officially finished her degree for Bachelors of Science in Psychology with a minor in Chinese from University of Colorado -Denver! There was no community gathering and restaurants are still closed so we will have to get creative in our celebration to recognize her hard work and achievement!


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Some House Remodeling

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Posted in Ashley, Daff, Heather, House, Jeff, TAZ, William | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments