Suburban Repaired

[pics incl] Remember, Jeff hit a deer in the suburban? [] We picked it up this morning.

For those of you paying attention… notice we also had them remove those old faded side panels down both sides (look @ pix from deer post and you’ll see the open passenger door) I’ll never find my suburban in a parking lot again! HAHAHAHA but looks great

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Itty-Bitty Baby Deer

[pics incl] I was up in middle of night last night and saw a deer out back up on the berm. It was too dark for photos but Courtney & I txt’d about it for a bit… that and the fact that Peanut REALLY wanted outside to play w/ deer. The neighborhood has a black bear hanging around… so no… However, tonight, I saw what appeared to be a large dog running and jumping and flipping and playing in backyard and neighbor’s yard… they don’t have a dog and since it was about dusk… I wasn’t sure what Im seeing. Turns out it’s a baby deer, totally fuzzy & spotted. My phone was upstairs though so 8 was txting Courtney from my watch (which I haven’t mastered… but at least the first person on my contact list is VERY UNDERSTANDING about that… Amy…) so I took pix w/ Jeff’s phone.

It ran up over a couple houses away before I could catch it playing in our backyard. Hopefully, they hang around for a while and I can sneak another peak soon!

Posted in Courtney, Pets, TAZ, Wildlife | Leave a comment

Posting Older Events and Pictures

Just FYI, I have several older drafts I never got around to finishing and/or some of you have said “Hey… what about that…. [older event or picture]…?” So just for memory sake and /or curious followers, I will be randomly posting older stuff, just watch the dates. I’ll try to remember to “date” them HAHAHAHA

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Rainbows This Week

[pics incl] After taking pictures of a second rainbow this week, figured I’d share.

Earlier this week we were driving and saw this double rainbow but right after I took pics, the bottom one split into two so it was a triple. I was unable to get another clear shot.

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Shark Snacks

[pics incl] As we were leaving the movie theater, there were sharks in the lobby.

I needed to go see Endgame. To goto movies… it’s effort for my brain… BUT Claudia is moving to Japan. Are you still w/ me? HAHAHAHA We had been camping and now we are back and doing our best to spoil Claudia before she leaves. Everyone was willing to bear w/ me attempting to go see Endgame (w/ multiple earplugs, etc) & possibly needing to leave before the end. However, I made it through. [NOTE: I think I have mentioned that Jeff sent me a graphic someone else designed w/ “how to chronologically watch all the Marvel movies so they make sense”… IT’S VERY HELPFUL]

So back to…. As we were leaving the movie theater, there were sharks in the lobby. Not real sharks… just GIANT cutouts for whatever movie is about to come out.

Claudia wanted a picture being attacked by the shark… and she stood on the “STAND HERE” logo

But Ashley… is Ashley. She wanted to have been EATEN by the shark. She is obviously NOT standing on the “STAND HERE” logo.

To me, they just look like shark snacks!

On a side note, Jeff is now calling “Courtney’s Room”… “Claudia’s Room” HAHAHAHA Peanut seems OK w/ the name change.

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Tim, to the Rescue

[pics incl] Remember, we’ve been camping but we do NOT have a vehicle to get the camper back home. Our neighbor, Tim, to the rescue!

…and yesterday, William, Cloud & I decito meet Jeff down in town for lunch. However, we only had William’s Jeep. I’ve only been in it a couple times and I get super carsick…. throw in a very bumpy manual transmission ride and it was a real discussion over whether I was gonna get in it! Turns out, William is an excellent driver and the Jeep loves me HAHAHAHA [but just in case… we all took a BEFORE photo]

[NOTE UPDATE : a few days later I had another discussion over whether or not I wanted to get in the Jeep on a 75mph interstate HAHAHAHA]

It all wotk d out, we made it to lunch.

Posted in Claudia, Daff, Heather, Jeff, TAZ, William | Leave a comment

and Then… There was a Moth

[pics incl] The pix is really a txt conversation w/ Courtney. Last night, I sneezed mid-chewing zucchini.. and then…. there was a moth… and then more sneezing. Enjoy.

Posted in Courtney, Daff, Jeff, TAZ | Leave a comment

Camping 07/03 – 04/2019

[pics incl] The weather has had whiplash past couple days. Yesterday sunrise, the clouds looked like cotton candy! Then it hailed today, then it was gorgeous again. Heather invited a friend up to eat dinner and made shishkabobs. Somewhere in there we roasted cinnamon rolls and made S’Mores.

Posted in Ashley, Claudia, Courtney, Daff, Heather, Jeff, TAZ, Weather, William | Leave a comment

The Camping with Spiders… Ban

[pics incl] A couple posts ago I mentioned that I had txtd spider pics to Courtney. This morning, William sent one and got a “I’m going to block all of you” response. We laughed it off but we did think it was a bit harsh for his first infraction. It wasn’t until right before bed tonight that we learned the TRUE reason for the ban. Ashley.

What William and I didn’t know was that Ashley had ALSO txtd Courtney. Ashley had found images, in Australia (?), of what appeared to be fog or mist… only the entire countryside was covered in “not mist”…. spiders. [I don’t have these images to share w/ you HAHAHAHA] HENCE…. the threat of blocking all of us.

Therefore, I spent the rest of camping… sending Courtney pix of “not spiders” HAHAHAHA

William named this one Gilbert

Posted in Ashley, Courtney, Jeff, TAZ, William | Tagged | Leave a comment

I Could NOT Lose at Yahtzee

[pics incl] We are still camping. William and I are playing various games (we have a great assortment of travel games in the camper). I was losing everything so I suggested we play yahtzee, which I also usually lose but at least it would be new losses today. Jeff and I had talked a few days ago about looking up the yahtzee rules and printing them out for the camper (we just have dice and a yahtzee pad).

Today, I cannot seem to roll anything other than yahtzee… I truly feel as if I have trick dice?!? We usually play the best of three on the pad. I’d win, we’d go play a different game and come back and I’d still be rolling yahtzee?! We both started txting Jeff (he had to work from home) to look up the rules.

I lost at three 13!

Posted in Jeff, TAZ, William | Leave a comment

Camping with Spiders

[pics incl] The weather the past couple of days has been a bit crazy. I think the spiders have decided to seek refuge in the camper… so of course, I had to txt Courtney [spiders have their own category here on the blog HAHAHAHA]

Jeff was trying to reheat chili over the fire when the weather decided to make an appearance

Then there is THIS spider…. it was stalking me. Jeff had to leave so I just left it alone, It wasn’t hurting anything… but it did start getting creepy… literally.

William arrived and he could reach it to put it outside.

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Camping 06/28/2019

[pics incl] Last night we attempted steak and potatoes. However the weather didn’t fully cooperate and they left me in charge of potatoes (oh go ahead…. and if you’re new… look up TAZ cooking… enjoy laughing) Heather rescued me and we attempted to just slice them and cook them in foil over the fire… some of them were done.

This morning, Jeff decided to use the little bit of leftover steak and potatoes for breakfast. Punting and going to breakfast isn’t an option… everyone else is working and we are w/out vehicle. Breakfast was delicious namely because Im not in charge HAHAHAHA (but for the record I had chili ready…. the night they hit a deer)

At some point I decided… how hard can it be to get into a hammock HAHAHAHA

I then realized its not the getting into it that’s so hard… it’s the getting out! I stayed put til Jeff finished setting up the fire.

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Camping 06/27/2019

[pics incl] Today we decided to go ahead and reserve the campsite next to us, when it was vacated, for our tents. Clearly we are gonna have people coming and going and since we also get animated with our “extreme” games it makes sense.

I also walked around and took pix for Courtney so she could “remember” our locations better. We’ve been coming to this place since they were little.

Ya’ll have read about this place over the years as well (see “the time TAZ disappeared”, Lemon Larvae, extreme croquet and many more)… however, calling it “potato rock” is new HAHAHAHA [NOTE : I just looked and found an old post w/ all these:]

so from the camper up over the hilly plateau and back over to the tents

You probably have to actually click on the photos to see the panoramic views.

Posted in Jeff, TAZ | 1 Comment

Oh Deer

[pix incl] Yes, we are still camping. After finishing with the plumber & evap cooler people yesterday, Jeff p/u Ashley from work and headed back to campground… at dusk. A deer jumped out of a ravine embankment & leapt over one side of the suburban, hitting the opposite side. They are both fine but radiator was blown making the suburban indriveable.

Needless to say, what followed was more like a comedy of errors. William had his Jeep but had taken out the back seats. so he met them and collected as much stuff from the suburban as possible… and Ashley and returned to the camper.

Jeff and Heather had gone to Sam’s while they were waiting for the evaporator people to finish and before Ashley got off work. She literally had just arrived back at her house. So, Daff drove and they came to get Jeff and some of the bigger items that wouldn’t fit into the Jeep.

….and now…. we are camping without a tow vehicle.

this morning as I was setting up the coffee…

Posted in Ashley, Daff, Heather, Jeff, TAZ, Wildlife, William | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Camping 06/25/2019

[pix incl] Yes, we are still camping, everyone is also going back/forth as needed (ie smoke test guy, plumber, new evaporator (swamp) cooler guys, work, summer classes, etc). Today’s view from nearby.

and the campfire story around this photo involves Hobbits hahaha

MEANWHILE in Shanghai, China, Courtney just randomly txt me these pix

at least we agreed that no words were necessary

Posted in Courtney, Daff, Heather, Jeff, TAZ, Weather, William | Leave a comment