Courtney is STILL Safe

[pics incl] After my last post, Courtney was in Taiwan with Claudia when her flight to Shanghai was canceled due to Coronavirus. Well, after contacting a few people that might have had spare rooms (in Taiwan), Jeff discovered he could use points to buy her a ticket back here. She had some layovers somewhere in there so we were just txting random photos etc to keep her busy. It’s snowing here again so she’s been teasing us w/ more beautiful beach photos.

it occurred to me that I had been using Courtney’s room to go through “stuff” to purge. So I had to pickup all MY stuff and make it be HER room again HAHAHAHA

At this point she’s been waiting at an airport, has been on a 4 night 5 day long weekend that’s lasted 3.5 weeks… in beach clothes… that she packed for her long weekend. HAHAHAHA They had come around and asked anyone waiting to wear a mask.

….and William and I managed to meet her at the airport w/ some warm clothes she had in storage here!

So, for the moment she is back. Working online from here, so she’s teaching her students many of whom are quarantined in locations in China. Basically she’s still on Shanghai timezone!

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Courtney is Safe and Other Updates

[pics incl] I haven’t posted in a while & some of ya’ll called/txt to check on Courtney. She has not been in mainland China for couple weeks

She had a 4-5 day trip to Philippines scheduled (idk exactly but around 01/20/20) and has since remained away from Shanghai (as of today 02/06/20 her school and many businesses are still closed anyway). She and friends remained im Phillipines , she met other friends in Bali last week and had already had a trip planned to Taiwan for next week. Hopefully , she will know more after that.

[pix of Phillipines ]

[it was snowing here so we swapped snow & beach pics]

[very funny Pokémon conversation ]

[pix of Bali]

and in case there was ever any doubt if I taught her to “be blonde…”

She doesn’t always have the best service everywhere but we have been able to keep in touch. She appreciates all the well wishes!

Quick updates on everyone else:

Some of ya’ll have asked about Claudia, she’s in Japan not China and so far so good. She also sends me random photos & funny things :

Jeff has been doing some traveling w/ VMware so I might tag along some and/or come visit some of ya’ll instead (ya never know 😋). My head is still attached, so as long as it doesn’t fall off mid-flight, guess I can learn to deal w/ pain (which isn’t always for every flight so it’s hard to troubleshoot!).

Heather still works at same place and does some impressive Atlassian/ Confluence /Jira stuff, if I lost ya, just see that as IT stuff HAHAHAHA.

Ashley is putting in a request to graduate from CU-Denver in May 2020. (if memory serves its now psychology w/ minors in neuro-psychology & Chinese? but to be honest I’m not positive so if she corrects me, I’ll let ya know.)

William is taking dual community college / university classes (all at same location in CR) majoring in cyber-secuity thru CSU-Pueblo.

The Leung’s have acquired Daff and he is now working some of Ashley’s hours (she’s still there some) at MRCW (she has graduate classes & lab internship stuff now). So… yup William is still there too so ya’ll still know half the employees HAHAHAHA!

Posted in Ashley, Claudia, Courtney, Daff, Heather, Jeff, TAZ, Weather, William | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Random Scott Family Funnies thru 02/06/20

[pics incl] A lot of humor happens around here… some “live and in person” and some via txt. I’ve shared many of our antics in previous posts. Enjoy a conglomeration of some of the latest funnies.

If you’ve been here it’s highly probable that you’ve been exposed to Quelf. We can’t take credit for that one, it was introduced to us by our Daniels’ family friends. But along the lines of Quelf we’ve now discovered “We didn’t play test this at all” and now we need to go get “we didn’t play test this either”

and ya know what goes great with everything? Homemade candied bacon

You know me, I’m not above posting funnies that the kids have done…. but I’m also not above posting “dumb blonde moments” of mine that have been captured by others

in MY defense, I was looking at it from outside-in so I couldn’t READ the letters it just looked smeared… but Ashley didn’t give me a pass HAHAHAHA

You know what else goes good with everything? Grandma Patsy’s banana bread! Ashley is learning to make it so she has a treat to take to friend’s homes for her DND groups. Today we were Guinea pigs during “we didn’t playtest this at all”

… sometimes an empty whiteboard needs a cause. William claimed the board, later, TAZ ensured Aslan had representation and finally Ashley lit the way back to the WarDrobe.

My sisters & I learned a funny song when we were kids and we all passed it along to our kids. So Head’s Up if you are susceptible to ear worms HAHAHAHA [Hello…. My Name is Joe…. and I work… in… a button factory….]

The next day I txt’d that conversation to my dad… yup… he now has “Hello My Name is Joe” stuck in his head too HAHAHAHA and if you know your VeggieTales… Barbara Manatee gets serious attention around here. If you know either, Good Luck!

Courtney and Claudia were together in Taiwan. I received a txt from Claudia

a few minutes later I got the same txt from Courtney

First, note that they both think I’m “The Best Mather” spelled w/ an A of course. I pointed out to Courtney that Claudia beat her to it… she clearly loves her Mather the best

Posted in Ashley, Claudia, Courtney, Daff, Heather, Jeff, TAZ, William | Leave a comment

AND… Off with HER…. Hair

[pics incl] Ashley decided to get 10+” cut off her hair. I should’ve taken “before” pics because I’m pretty sure she had a lot more than 10″ cut off but she had several inches of frayes cut off first so her 10″ didn’t include the pile on the floor!

And yes, her hair is still very long.

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All About Claudia

[pics incl] Many of ya’ll take time to ask about Courtney’s friend Claudia (yup she’s one of our kids!) She’s teaching in Japan and will keep me posted with photos and random funny txts.

For Christmas she found Santa…. at KFC

apparently it’s a thing to have your selfie w/ The Colonal Santa

She went on a hike but I wasn’t clear if she was on a nature preserve or if primates are in the wild

and as you might imagine, Japan is OBSESSED with Pokémon, she’s eating MagiKarp waffles

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Off with Their….. Hair!

[pics incl] If you will note in the previous post, Courtney & I both have LONG hair. Today we decided to donate 10″ EACH to Locks of Love

it might have been more than 10 but I’m not counting the frayed ends.

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Dinner with Leungs

[pics incl] Courtney arrived from China, for just a few days so we scrambled to get things like eye doc & dentist appointments scheduled and we pulled off a last minute dinner w/ the Leung’s right by our houses.

Monina & Andrew live in MD and unfortunately weren’t here.

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Jeff’s 50th Birthday and more

[pics incl] Jeff decided he wanted to just have a family meal out at a nice restaurant for his 50th birthday, so we all dressed up and went to Del Frisco’s. The evening was definitely full of surprises as a couple of his co-workers /friends had called ahead and had wine/champagne sent to our table (no they were not with us so they clearly planned ahead!). He had a little cake/ice cream treat and I remembered to take one picture.

The day before we had driven down past Castle Rock and I snapped a pic of Pikes Peak.

and no holiday would be complete without Jaime!

Yes, it’s been a good long while since I’ve posted about Jaime. But in short, he’s back, he only works random Saturday’s… but obviously we have found him again! If you happen to be at La Fogata, ask to see if Jaime is there… tell him “Ashley’s Family or the Scott Family ” sent you 😉 THIS IS WHY

Posted in Ashley, Courtney, Daff, Heather, Jeff, TAZ, William | Tagged | Leave a comment

Catching Up on Some Old Blog Posts

02/07/20 I have several blog posts in draft mode starting after “Not an Ugly Sweater Party” 12/21/19… so I’ll work towards cleaning up & publishing ( I might combine some). I know I have one on 02/06/20 that’s a combined one, but I’ll just post these in their proper places 12/22/19-02/05/20 and continue on after that.

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It Was NOT an Ugly Sweater Party

[pics incl] Jeff’s coworker had a holiday get together and Jeff suggested that it’d be funny if we wore “ugly sweaters” So he dragged me shopping…. Aside from his one coworker hosting the party, we were the only ones in “ugly sweaters” HAHAHAHA! I think he looks adorable!

He insists that everyone agreed that he’d have won if it had been an Ugly Sweater Parry.

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Hey Tall Person

[pics incl] Courtney txt’d that her roommate sent a link to National Short Girl Appreciation Day 12/21. The entire time we were txting & as I am writing this post, I was amused that I can still remember Josh’s snicker-giggle as he was often the one answering me when I yelled “Hey, Tall Person…!” []

Courtney and I had an amusing txt chat going referring to my “shared calendar” that I actually started when we lived in the mountains (probably before William was born). I added a few relavant date to my calendar that I thought would amuse the girls when I printed out our weekly/monthly birthdays etc. Mickey Mouse’s bday, Mad Hatter Day, Talk like a pirate…. whatever was kid appropriate. At some point about 8-10yrs ago, my “fun” calendar accidentally became visible to the group of shared calendars we had going (ie kids class schedules, sports practice etc) and I just left it when they all laughed & voted to keep it.

So as Courtney is txting me her amusing story… I’m adding Nat’l Short Girl Appreciation Day to my calendar!

We went on to describe our experiences yelling “hey Tall person…”

Later, I was sharing this funny txt conversation w/ Ashley and she txt’d me a hysterical comic of aliens having this exact conversation!

Hello Long Being!


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Dear Android Users

If you have an android & have called or txt’d me “recently”… & I didn’t respond… I did NOT get it. I didn’t even know I was having issues until one day I happened to reboot my phone and received SO MANY old txt & voicemail (from iPhone) & a few ” relatively newer” android ones. Yes I’m super frustrated! no one else seems to be having the same issues so at a loss. I suspect I’ve had issues since I was in TX so probably on/off for 6 weeks? I’m trying to be better about just proactively turning phone on/off to force delivery and I’ve been replying to every message now…

Soooo…. if you txt’d me & I didn’t respond…. I did NOT get it.

I have txtd lots of Android users in past 6 wls & I don’t always get reply so I have no idea if my messages are actually being sent? I promise that if you had one recently, I probably know your bday and probably txt’d you HAHAHAHA

I dunno what solution is but… if you txt me and I don’t respond… try again?

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Happy 19th Birthday William

[pics incl] We’ve all loved watching you grow into a wonderful young man! Luv ya lots!

Tonight William just wanted Jeff to fix him homemade steaks, Abby & McLain’s supplied some dessert and I just assembled an apple pie while we all hung out to watch a movie.

Abby’s birthday is in three weeks.

Posted in Abby, Ashley, Jeff, TAZ, William | Leave a comment

Strain The Beans

[pics incl] I’m not a fan of soggy food. Don’t you dare dunk your cookie in my milk! I don’t want the ice cream on top of my hot pie and I prefer my cereal crunchy. HAHAHAHA

Tonight we were attempting to online pre-order Chipotle but their website was giving everyone problems. Finally, Heather managed to input the orders ANS she was verifying the orders… mine of course had a note that said “please strain the beans.” I really don’t like it when I pick up my burrito and bean juice gets everywhere and/or makes my tortilla completely soggy (hehe)…. Don’t get me wrong, I like charro beans, just not IN my burrito.

The notes section was causing her more frustration and she finally announced “Well at worse case I’ve now changed your name to “strain the beans” ”

…. and now… let the comments begin…. Jeff: “I’m gonna start calling her STB”

and YES…. Chipotle put that on my order.

Posted in Daff, Heather, Jeff, TAZ, William | Leave a comment

How to NOT Cook 6 Things

pics incl] Well, you longtime readers should be laughing. Who remembers when Courtney demoted me from 7 to 6? [] Thats a TRUE story. It’s a well told story and as it was recently Thanksgiving, it had to be retold a few times to “new” people.

Courtney moved right before Thanksgiving so when we talked/Skype with her she described her new apartment AND the fact that her new roommate cooks. She is gushing to me over how fabulous the soup was the previous night and I commented that I had made my homemade chicken noodle /dumpling soup (and IMHO it was awesome this time… AND YES….. it IS one of my remaining 6 Things)

C: “But mom THIS was the best soup I have every had in my entire life!”

T: “Are you saying that now I can only cook 5 things? I LITERALLY just finished my “7 things story!”

C:”UMMMM no, I’m just saying that THIS was the best soup I have ever had in my entire life.”

SOOOOO…… hmmmmm!

This conversation actually took place in the middle of a txt conversation between Stacy, Courtney & me. Courtney proceeded to tell Stacy that her roommate cooks, new apartment etc.

A couple days later, Courtney meant to just txt me in the middle of the night but instead had selected the group txt. She basically FAILED at making pancakes.

Right on cue the following morning, Stacy spent a good while exploring to her how to do it right…. when she was finished I interjected by stating that “OR… just have someone else cook them correctly.”

A few days later…. she discovered that correct way to have good pancakes is to have someone else make them! HAHAHAHA

I just replied “you can teach her to properly cook OR I can teach her to properly NOT cook 😂”

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