Favorite Fuzzy Head

I was playing w/ Josh’s fuzzy baby hair and he said it felt relaxing so… the more the merrier. Threatening him w/ posting on FB just encouraged him to grin… so HERE IT IS AS PROMISED those other hands are William’s and Grandma’s 

Josh has decided not continue with the study.  Circumstances have changed.  Now our joys come from seeing this grin while we play with his sweet little baby hairs and we LOVE these sweet little baby hairs 🙂


Grandma Carolyn was all comfy on the couch next to Josh but I needed a hand for the photo so Will told her we needed more hands. she said she couldn’t reach so I just gave her a look and “well…. lean” Josh was pretending to sleep and William “proved this” by pointing out that “you cannot grin when you are sleeping Josh”… It was a VERY long drawn out proof : You can frown, scowl, gape, etc (all demonstrated of course)

but in the end he was right and THAT is how this photo is on FB

We’ll try to coordinate the mealtrain for them soon so keep checking back.  

it’ll busy on the corner of 3td & Bev

  1. Some of the Hetherington family will be over at the Lambrecht house
  2.  Alexis Van Wagner (former Buddhist temple house) is due w/ baby #2 ANY DAY!  They have a 4yo girl
  3. Kromka’s (2doors from us) are the grandparents/great-grandparents!
  4. We–the Scotts will be at any of those houses visiting/offering assistance

some humor to go w/ this fuzzy baby hair:  http://blog.scottsontherocks.com/blog/2017/02/04/josh-and-will-at-robotics-020417-and-some-humor/

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