Breakfast at Mel’s Drive-in

[pics incl] Mel’s Drive-in is shown in the movie American Graffiti and the movie was inspiration for the TV show Happy Days (that is if I understood what I was being told/shown… but feel free to correct me if I’m wrong). So we went for breakfast…

it’s like they knew I was coming and reserved me a quiet table in the far back corner!

we left out of there and on the walk back… accidentally found the Museum of Ice Cream… hello?! How do I get in?

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VMWorld 2019

[pics incl] Jeff has been going to VMWorld for many years. It’s a conference /Expo usually centered around VMWare (in English… it computer “cloud” stuff… we’ve been using it for 17-18+ years)… (NOTE: VMWare’s parent company is Dell Technologies, who also owns Dell Inc (ie laptops & computers)) and believe it or not 100’s of other companies!

VMWorld alternates periodically between Las Vegas and San Francisco. Every year we always say that I should go with him. As he usually makes reservations many months in advance, this year, we discussed me flying out with him a long time ago & made reservations. Flash forward…

We flew out to San Francisco for VMWorld 2019

…and for those of you interested, Jeff has officially changed jobs and now works for….. VMWare (I can’t remember actual date but as of mid-July 2019)

We ran into some of his VMWare customers, and when they realized I wasn’t opposed to “talking shop,” we all went to dinner.

On the flight out, Jeff and I had been trying to figure out how many years he’s attended VMWorld…. at the moment we are thinking 2005? but I had also made the comment that I was pretty sure “we started using VMWare…. a whole kid ago.” I’m pretty sure we started using it before William was born, when we lived in the mountains…. however, it’s possible he was an infant… but I’m pretty sure we lived in the mountains. That kinda narrows it down to 2000-2001. We just weren’t sure when VMWare actually made an appearance in our lives… (I mean we KNOW when William did!) HAHAHAHA

At dinner, one of the guys gave an unsolicited brief history of VMware and used lots of acronyms and said things that honestly, stereotypically…. most wives would have found boring and annoying. But instead, I turned to Jeff and said… “So does that mean, it was 2000-2001 and not 2003?” Which made “guys at table” do a double-take in my general direction… with completely confused looks on their faces. I recognize it… it’s “she just hacked the secret password for all computer languages (or for geeky guys…. it’s the same look either way)…. or was that a coincidental comment?”

They stopped talking and looked at Jeff… who laughed. He explained “It’s true, she not only understands what we are talking about, she’s an IT nerd and has used VMWare.”

I’m in the club now.

Well… I was until they lost me. No, they didn’t start talking about something I didn’t understand…. they actually LOST ME. we were walking, crossed an intersection that was like a triangle and while I was avoiding stepping on a grate (I don’t step on grates!!! The guys all went to one side of the triangle building and I had gone to the other. I was promptly LOST!!

This experience brought out the need for the invention of “the find-my-wife app” HAHAHAHA yes, yes… we have all that…

……. and I have a satellite GPS tracking beacon in my arm and an RFID chip on the back of my neck too HAHAHAHA (NO NOT REALLY!! but you know that was just soooo wrong it was funny!)

From that point forward, I was chaperoned well!

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William College Freshman 08/20/19

[pics incl] Technically, William has already taken several college classes but this is his first complete semester of all college classes… so I made him pose for “first day of school pictures.” HAHAHAHA

[NOTE UPDATE: he came home from class that night & couldn’t stop laughing. After a game of twenty questions of “guess who’s in one of my classes “.. and no… I never guessed correctly, he finally stopped laughing & started pointing… like “not really next door” but I got the idea. DEBBIE! So he’s excited to be taking a class w/ his dear friend Josh’s mom Debbie…!!! she may be begging the instructor for a class change by the end of the week HAHAHAHA

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It’s NOT a… Silverfish

[pics incl] For many years now, before slurping, we all very diligently check our straws…. for silverfish. There is an excellent reason we have this ritual:

Today, a misstep occurred… but there was no silverfish in the straw…. just a spider.

If you’ve been following along for any amount of time, I’m assuming you’ve figured out about spiders?.. they have their own tag… just click “Spiders” in the tag section HAHAHAHA but here’s one for your amusement :

HOWEVER….. You might need to brush up on Ashley-lore to understand the silverfish comments :

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Random Saturday 08/17/19

[pics incl] It’s just a random Saturday… Ashley is pretty sick so no one wants to go near her, including everyone at the doctor office. She was whining about how awful her medicine tastes and decided to mix it with applesauce. I suggested she NOT ruin the entire dish of applesauce but just a few bites & then wash it down w/ untainted remaining applesauce. Later, she txtd me a funny her friend sent her after she whined about her meds.

I made kolaches /pigs-in-blankets and I just txt’d the house a photo (no words)… they’re self explanatory. While I was doing that… I felt compelled to just go right ahead and send that to Courtney… I know it’s mean… but you’ve met me right?!

While we were sitting around munching kolaches, Popcorn came and snuggled in my lap. If you’ll refer to the 10bazillion other cat photos… it’s usually Peanut. I was like “who are you and why do you suddenly love me?” To prove this occurred, I took pix, he obviously knew I’d send them to Courtney so he posed in his sleep HAHAHAHA

Courtney responded by saying she and friends went to see Swan Lake

Meanwhile from Japan, Claudia was txting me laundry questions (all complete w/ accompanied photos of items in question)… I was feeling the love though HAHAHAHA

Posted in Ashley, Courtney, Pets, TAZ | Leave a comment

Boys Cooking

[pics incl] I basically made William cook. Bought stuff for a recipe I know he and Jeff have previously made a few times…. & said go cook. Daff was nearby and William basically made him help. I took pictures (I doubt they know I did this HAHAHAHA) Jeff did come offer assistance later.

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Some Drywall Repairs Completed 08/12/19

[pics incl] All the drywall on the main floor has been completed and re-textured (painting to come later).

Most of the basement is complete (except one room). We decided to have them actually “knock-down” TEXTURE the walls in the basement (nothing in basement was even textured before and the rest of the house is “orange peel”)

Heather painted the basement closet.

We had them stop at the edge of the basement living room until we get caught up on flooring and the other rooms in the basement first.

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Another Dr Seuss Moment

I made a bunch of boiled eggs. Around here, I label things “Eat Me” or “Drink Me”… and only one person ever got it w/out explanation. So the following txt thread was baptism by fire for Daff.

I made green eggs and ham once (I can’t remember if it was for April Fool’s or Theodore Giesel bday… probably April Fool’s). Courtney called Grandma Linda to tell on me… somewhere I have a photo of her talking on the phone, crying w/ a plate in front of her (pretty sure it’s on the old website, dunno if I can hunt it down this week or not). “But Grandma she’s making me eat them and they are green!”

So Daff got a crash course in all the little sticky notes that say “Eat Me” in the fridge…. and my next batch of eggs will be green HAHAHAHA

the first real Dr Seuss moment :

and one that’ll make you smile:

Posted in Ashley, Daff, Heather, Jeff, Overheard, TAZ, William | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Drywall Repairs in Progress

[pics incl] Remember all the holes from the smoke tests & plumber? [] The drywall crew is here this week…

[NOTE UPDATE : posting more pictures for Courtney…]

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Just Because… It’s a Spider

[pics incl] You know how we are about spiders, [if not:] William had to rescue a customer from a spider and txt’d us the picture.

[NOTE UPDATE : HAHAHAHA Heather txt’d us all this….

and for those of you curious about that migration… here’s one link :

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The Perfect Landing

[pics incl] Jeff & I went to breakfast at a local airfield restaurant called The Perfect Landing.

It was too crowded & loud to Skype w/ Courtney so I just took pictures. then the piano man appeared 😉 we were sitting right next to him here

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Hayride Supper

[pics incl] We scheduled a hayride & meal @ YMCA of the Rockies.

even though we weren’t riding horses, Ashley asked what they do for people whom have never ridden…

These are our guides, Belle & Clara

…and my brain didn’t let me stay on the hayride, so I got off and played w/ others.


the dinner was served back at the barn area due to what appeared to be a looming storm… and now we are back @ condo… I think it’s here.

We realized we didn’t stop & take dinner pics so here is one w/ Ashley the following morning.

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How to Farkle in a Hottub

[pics incl] Ashley & I were playing yahtzee but the kitchen chairs hurt our backs. (We have borrowed the game from the office.) After rearranging and moving different surfaces around, we setup on the couch w/ the game between us. I made a smart alec remark that after all that effort we should’ve figured out a way to setup in the hottub HAHAHAHA…. 30 seconds later, we are walking around condo, looking for something that can be a floating table. The top of the container we bring miscellaneous food items… voila!

I suggested that maybe farkle would be easier since we don’t really have to worry about the score and yahtzee is to complicated to play w/out the scorecard.

Ashley said no one would believe us w/out pix!

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Happy Anniversary Scotty & Jacque

[pics incl] We went to dinner in Tabernash (between Winter Park and Granby).

It’s their anniversary so let’s take a couple pics of just them…. but first… the wrestling to see who gets to have their arm in front? I’m not sure what it really was that happened but it reminded me of trying to wrangle all the kids to stand in a line for photos by age/height. I used to just snap photos of the chaos beforehand. I was amused that this went on long enough for me to capture it HAHAHAHA and since it’s MY blog… HAHAHAHA

Walter Scott x3

Since the parking lot is in back, we walked upstairs to the front entrance.

The wind has been BLOWING like crazy and gusted just then. I had been fighting w/ my hair… hence the braid.

The food was GREAT!!!

Posted in Jeff, TAZ, William | 2 Comments

Granby 07/27-29/19

[pics incl] Scotty and Jacque are in CO and we drove up to Granby. This is the view just past Loveland Pass.

It started sprinkling & raining harder as we pulled into the condo.

an hour later it was gorgeous!

FYI… I’ll try to remember to be consistent on txt placement… and if possible, put the G… in Granby… directly underneath the gazebo at the top of the foothill directly on front of me. If you’ve been here, it’s the one w/ the parking lot and crosswalk BEFORE you get to the ski area when you are facing the ski runs (see above)

This morning, the clouds were low to begin burning off.

It’s still pretty hazy this morning.

Posted in Ashley, Jeff, TAZ, Weather, William | Leave a comment