Nuggets vs 76rs 11/08/19

[pics incl] Jeff bought partial season tix this year to the Nuggets. He & I went to the home opener on 10/25/19 but I forgot to take pix ☹️ That was a great game and the Nuggets won in OT.

Sadly, I can never remember any of the players (sigh… short-term memory loss) so it’s kinda been like a season opener for last 6 years HAHAHAHA! However, basketball is in my blood so I still love watching the game and of course have opinions. Now, instead of knowing player’s names I say stuff like “guy in orange shoes… (assuming I have colors correct today!)” or”tall skinny guy” or “football player dude” Jeff keeps track of my comments and apparently I’m fairly consistent from game to game on my comments. he told me I always say the one guy I recognize (but not because he’s w/ Nuggets, he’s just a veteran NBA player, it’s actually confsing to me to see him on Nuggets) “looks more like a football player than a basketball player” that’s “football player dude” BTW… I really miss my personal commentator, Blake Olson! [

So when we went to the season opener on 10/25/19, I needed a new jersey (I’m still grumpy I never got a Nene but we’ll gloss over that). Apparently, they think women only want one of three players… that’s it. But I don’t necessarily choose whom I follow based on opinion or even MVP stats (don’t even get me started on who I’m grumpy about on the Rockies 😋 and at least the hand-me-down Broncos jersey I got from William was the one player I had actually met (cuz I don’t know football… I do basketball!)! [ ] ) I don’t know these 3 players. I like diamond in rough kinda players & follow them & unless they crash & burn I’m pretty loyal. Apparently I have one I keep mentioning & Jeff claims I said he’s kinda cute kid too. what more can I ask for? A jersey! hello?! …but NOOOO, he’s not one of the three….

Had to buy a jersey dictated by the masses. The entire game someone would score and I would look down and “what number do I have?” It’s not that these three aren’t good players, he’s awesome, but this number wasn’t one I’d naturally follow so it was confusing. oh well… at least I have a jersey now HAHAHAHA!

Ashley & William went to the next game and she asked to borrow the jersey and apparently it was her first choice and she was glad. Nuggets won for them as well. We plan to alternate so everyone has a chance to attend.

Tonight’s game technically wasn’t part of our season pass pack, we got them extra at the last minute. I wasn’t gonna bother hunting down the jersey. And it turns out they were having a sale on jerseys. We went over to the men’s section & found one for me and now all is right w/ my basketball world (even if it turns out the guy is awful 😉 ) I’m not sure the one I got was actually on sale but now you know ONE of the few (ha ha) reasons why Jeff calls me “high maintenance”

The Nuggets had a really sluggish start & it was actually turning into a blowout. The refs were making some questionable calls (for both teams but a couple awful game changing calls against nuggets) Fans started clearing out in the 4th because we never…. not once… had the lead. They were starting to creep closer and the refs were still making questionable calls but suddenly it felt a bit more like a game w/ just about 4 minutes left. My head was being cranky but I had faith… so we stayed. With one very ugly crazy “how did that work” shot w/ 1.2 seconds left…. the Nuggets got a one point lead?! It of course took 15-20 minutes to play those last few minutes of the game but at least at the moment… I remember that they won 100-97

How’s that for a “hey we went to a Nuggets game” story? HAHAHAHA

Don’t ask.. I already put the jersey in the wash and I forgot the number… I have no idea whose bball career I’m officially following /supporting from now on… have to ask Jeff. and I’ll find out soon enough if Ashley reads my blog…. and realizes she has a jersey now HAHAHAHA

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Are You Going to AWS?

Jeff is attending AWS in Vegas first week December and we thought we’d give a heads-up in case anyone else is… so ya’ll can tag up ahead of time.

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Snow Photos 10/27/19-10/30/19

[pics incl] Just some random photos of the snowstorm started 10/27/19 ending 10/30/19.

Last year I marked this post so I just darkened it a couple months ago. It’s not scientific in the slightest, snow will drift or blow away and sun will compact it.

Maybe I need to use red enamel & add more depths?! 😂

Mon-Tue the temperature really dropped!

Once the snow finished, everyone (… not me 😉) went out to clear off the cars & driveway.

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New Delhi and Singapore

[pics incl] Courtney has school vacation for two weeks so Ashley is meeting her in Singapore. Courtney is stopping in New Delhi for several days first. They have sent some pictures I thought ya’ll would enjoy.

She txt’d novels about her photos so here are a few snippets from our conversation ” So I’ve been to 3 cities. Favorite has been Agra where the Taj Mahal is and while I adore the Taj Mahal I think my favorite is the Agra Fort. It was the home of some Moghul (Mongolian + Muslim dynasty of Northern India) King and his 300 concubines but they built it to accommodate all of the women’s religious and cultural backgrounds so you can see the influence of 4+ religious architectures and arts. Plus it was a battle fort and those are always cool. ”

“So here you can see the influences of Hindu (engraved lotus), Jewish (star), and Muslim (archway) ”

then Ashley has now joined her in Singapore

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Inigo Montoya

[pics incl] If you don’t know who Indigo Montoya is, stop what you ar doing and go watch The Princess Bride right now HAHAHAHA The Princess Bride (TPB) is one of those shows that is often playing at our house and referenced on a regular basis. [] and I even talked about it during my brain surgeries []

On the way to NOLA, I was having a rough flight so Jeff just put it on TPB so I could just listen while being miserable.

Tonight, Jessica has been giving us a tour of some popular spots in the French Quarter but I needed FOOD. Despite being in the heart of a culinary hot spot, not much here has been available without shellfish. (at least in Galveston and SF, CA surf & turf could be ordered w/out the surf!) Needless to say… I’ve had a couple opportunities to have some FISH but otherwise I’ve had nothing but salad or dessert (I’ve taken to ordering bread pudding for substance and to sample varieties)… I’M HUNGRY!

We found a little Cafe that at least appeared to have options on the menu. Within seconds of receiving a drink menu, Jeff said “I don’t what ingredients but I’m ordering it because of the name!” It’s a drink called “My Name is Inigo Montoya” I insisted the server explain how she invented the drink (if she said something like… I couldn’t think of a name & someone else decided …. OR

She said “OK… Well, I dunno if you know the movie The Princess Bride…?” We all busted out laughing & interrupted her. Jeff explained we watched it on way down and we are all best friends now. HAHAHAHA When I said I’m allergic to shellfish she said they only have one fryer so EVERYTHING fried shares it. Soup & salad for me…. and I planned to get bread pudding dessert…. sigh…. until she said it’s fried. So sad!

the drink us basically a VERY SPICY old fashioned

Afterwards we found a blues jazz bar

But I still needed FOOD….. we hunted down a good dessert place open late. It was recommended by the security guard that carded Jessica and wasn’t gonna let her into the Jass club at our hotel HAHAHAHA

The next night we were still on a mission for food…. found a nicer restaurant with fish on menu. Even though we really weren’t dressed nice enough, we at least had collar shirt & I was in a sport dress, they sat us before it got crowded. The couple next to us was celebrating 40yrs so I chatted w/ them briefly.

We strolled around and found a dueling piano bar right about 9pm on Saturday so Piano Man was popular.

we returned to the blues jazz club from the night before and there was a group next to us w/ a woman celebrating her bday.

I don’t know if I’ve ever blog about the time about 14-15yr ago when I was walking into a doctor’s office and the girl behind the counter was reading Ripleys Believe It or Not. I walked in mid conversation of her saying “it says here the most common bday in world is Oct 5…. I wonder if that’s true?” I said I’d believe it, handed her my license HAHAHAHA (I’ve never verified that was a Ripleys book or etc but it was a funny scenerio) [NOTE: I did a quick search and got multiple answers…. looks like mid September is most popular in USA and late September for world. but that varied on topics and publication years so it’s possible the girl was reading an older BOOK making that data now about 20-25 yrs old minimum]

Based on all the bdays… I’m thinking it might be possible 😋

As I was leaving the club, I tipped the band and they recognized me from last night. I have on ear plugs so I couldn’t make out everything but suffice to say that long blonde hair stands out in a blues jazz club.

Last night while Jessica was walking at the speed of sound, she kept having to stop and wait in me as I was zig zagging and looking around. At one point Jeff motioned to a group up on a balcony overlooking Bourbon St and noticed they were tossing down Mardi Gras beads. There are notorious ways to collect beads on Bourbon St and he said “You should go over there and maybe they will throw you…. … … a bracelet…..” Jessica spewed her drink and I thought she was gonna wet her pants laughing. I have to concede: Jeff–1; TAZ–0 HAHAHAHA

The carousel bar didn’t serve food. That’s how we went hunting and found the Cafe w/ Inigo Montoya

The Dr Suess store was closed so I didn’t get to look for a moss covered credenza! []

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Anniversary Dinner at Muriel’s

[pics incl] We are in NOLA for our 29th Anniversary and decided to have dinner at a restaurant recommended to us and also suggested by the hotel concierge.

A special THANK YOU to Meaghan O’Rourke for picking a perfect place. We both enjoyed the food and tour, our service was exemplary and we both recommend you visit Muriel’s if you have the chance!

Posted in Jeff, TAZ | 1 Comment

Bourbon Orleans Hotel

[pics incl] Remember I mentioned that we were changing hotels after the conference? Well I didn’t have all the information (and/or I didn’t feel well enough to really pay attention HAHAHAHA).

Jeff had gotten us a suite & had upgraded & apparently there was some chaos around that when he made the reservation a while back…. (I’m just now catching up on all this myself) Jeff had tried to do all this as a surprise.

when we arrived they had the digital TV display scrolling thru photos (think like TV ad using the nicest room of course) & Jeff was joking & said..”is that my room, how do I get THAT room?” when she laughingly said no , she realized that it was only ONE of the adjoining two rooms that was unavailable

the entire suite area isn’t open, someone has the other bedroom but not the living room common area. so she offered Jeff a deal to upgrade our other suite to this bedroom suite AND the Governor’s suite (it’s a large room w/ couch & table & chairs) it was perfect for our trip & having Jessica stay

so yes…. Jeff has been walking around doing the Mary Poppins “Gov-nar” voice and Jessica rolling her eyes

Jeff is spoiled…. and in this instance so am I HAHAHAHA

It’s smack in the middle of the French Quarter on Bourbon St

If you follow the yellow brick road, it will lead you to the Emerald City. (look in the top right corner of the doorway). The Jazz Club/bar connected to the hotel is decorated like the Wizard of Oz movie and the door back to the hotel.doubles as “the Emerald city” HAHAHAHA

I have intentions of recreating this banner and hanging it the hallway at our house…. there are certain LOUD people that live on my floor HAHAHAHA

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Spelling and Grammar

Hopefully I have done better job at catching more spelling & grammar but after a couple passes thru the next few posts I realize I am really struggling. Clearly spell check isn’t susscful as I’d hoped. One I keep noticing is Jass vs Jazz

So bear w/ me, hopefully the gist of what I am trying to say comes across and it’s more like typos vs completely changing meaning of a sentence.

and I didn’t bother attempting to use the photo rotation etc. my head hurts, I just loaded them all at once. if I got a chance I added some notes within.

If I’ve said anything confusing please point it out so I can fix it cuz you probably aren’t the only one. THANKS!

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New Orleans Sept 29-Oct 6, 2019

[pics incl] Jeff took a pic of the superdome so we could send it to Jessica and mess w/ her. Kudos to our driver for knowing exactly where to get a good shot & rolling the window down.

She’s gonna try and drive over from LSU on Friday… YAY!

View from our hotel room (we’re moving hotels after the expo) I was kinda trying to orient myself & took a picture of the map. HAHAHAHA I know, I hear ya. but then I realized, if ya’ll have never been to NOLA, you might appreciate the map too! That’s the Mississippi River winding by right there.

We met a couple co-workers for food one evening and I was amused by the couch 😋 I’m trying not to read anything into the fact that Jeff never told me to go sit down so he could take my picture………..

one day for lunch we grabbed food across from the expo at Mulate’s (it’s pretty famous so some of ya’ll might know it) Jeff ran into one of the guys we went to dinner and boat tour in SF (funny note: his name is Jeff…. Jeff’s wife named Teresa…. lots more HAHAHAHA) so it was the 3 of us for lunch. and while I can’t eat shrimp…. I can eat alligator 😋

[quick note re: flight. I wasn’t very txt-y or I’d have added to Jeff’s group txt when we landed. head didn’t do so good during flight, not as bad as that one awful one to CA but still took me about 24 hr to recover…. so…. ugh. that may just be the way things are gonna be? if I can deal w/ pain and accept that my head isn’t gonna explode…. I guess flying is still better than being car sick for hours… yes I hear ya… or baotsick…. testing of boat sickness TBA)

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Cable-Tec Expo 2019 NOLA

[pics incl] Jeff has previously attended Cable-Tec [] (think about tech & science of cable TV in your house) as Chater Employee but this year he’s here working the VMWare booth. [NOTE: if you missed that, he left Charter & works for VMware now :]

This year Cable-Tec is in New Orleans, next year Denver. If you are @ Cable-Tec NOLA (*^), stop by the VMware booth 921 & tell them Jeff Scott wife sent ya 😋 & txt us so we can tag up! Expo starts tomorrow (Tues) and is over Th but we are hanging around couple more days.

*^ OR…. if you just happen to be in NOLA…

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Please Find White Courtesy Phone

[pics incl] Ya know when you’re at the airport and they say something like “Scott. Theresa Scott. Please find a white courtesy telephone or information kiosk” how do you know if they mean you and not some OTHER Theresa Scott? 😉

I mean…. don’t get me wrong… I knew with 100% certainty it was for me. I just curious.

and no, I wasn’t lost, otherwise they’d have probably been calling out Jeff’s name to report to daycare hahaha

but in MY defense, it wasn’t ENTIRELY… MY FAULT

It all started out well. Jeff & I are headed to NOLA and simultaneously Courtney is headed to New Delhi, India from Shanghai but has layover (just FYI, then next week Ashley is meeting her in Singapore). Everyone else is home or work so we have had a group chat going (sometimes it gets amusing)

When Jeff & I approached the TSA line, I paused & said “hold on I want to remove my ID from back of my iPhone case because last time I accidentally about called 911. As we got close to security, they stopped us, & sent us to the entire other side of DIA because that line is shorter. I SHOULD HAVE PUT MY ID BACK… but “I don’t wanna deal w/ that in then out over at that TSA because the opportunities to call 911 would not be in my favor…” SO I JUST STUCK IT IN MY POCKET….

remember that group txt? so now Courtney is txt again & I want to let group know we arrived

So… in order to do that, I removed phone from pocket… forgetting of course, that I had put my ID there.

I wear pants w/ zippered pockets while traveling. I do that for a reason… THIS REASON! fortunately for me, only 10-15 min were lost in panic mode & retrieval 😋 Shout out to the anonymous good Samaritan!!! Thank you!

We arrived at the other TSA line and as we approached security, they stopped us, & sent us to the entire other side of DIA because that line is shorter.

Jeff politely pointed out that they need to communicate with someone over at that line because we just came from there, not returning, and both lines are long.

just so ya know… I BLAME COURTNEY!

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Some Medical Notes

Just putting some notes because I can’t remember whom I’ve told what and so I will remember too.

I saw neurologist Aug 19, 2019 just for routine follow up. He decided it’s time to do bit more thorough of an MRI/MRV since it’s been about 18mo since last one and that one didn’t include the arteries down my neck/chest area (past the surgical area).

Had the MRI/MRV this morning 09/03/19… at 6am, that was fun. Of course they couldn’t stick me so that took forever! I’ll have to keep ya posted on results.

I have a 2-day sleep study coming up soon… probably next week. Still not sleeping but I doubt this is gonna show anything since it’s my head waking me up not something like apnea (well I’m assuming). will keep ya posted but I also have referral to head pain specialists… after that.

so… just a data dump, feel free to ask questions

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Touring SF Bay… on a Boat

[pics incl] So they somehow talked me into leaving dry land. Something I often say is, “I get seasick just talking about getting seasick ” so the fact that I kinda volunteered to get on a boat is a big deal… well, to me anyway! We basically just took a tour out to Golden Gate Bridge and back past Alcatraz. Amazingly, I wasn’t leaning over the edge miserable the entire time?! And while I’m not saying we should run out and buy a boat (Jeff?..!), maybe I’d be willing to attempt another boat ride… close to shore!

Here’s some photos of the tour…

First… the sea lions

Jeff took pics back toward shore

then we asked one of the guys to snap PROOF that I was on a boat (holding on for dear life… and not being sea sick HAHAHAHA)

Jeff and I both took a few more pics but clearly our topics were different. He was proving to the kids that I was still on the boat… I was attempting to take pics of the bridge

Alcatraz island

back into port

I’m thinking that maybe the adjustment of the brain pressure meds (change made for getting on airplane)… has somehow also helped w/ boat? hence need to test that theory. air traveling still affects my hand/neck & yes it still hurts but I think it’s been better overall. I’ve only taken a couple flights since changes made so I guess time will tell….

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Sicnarf Jr

[pics incl] There’s a story here…. some of you may know. Obviously, ya’ll can click on the blog and go back years…. there was my “manual” website for years before that, email before that… BUT FIRST, I wrote letters. I was diligent, I’ve kept a journal since I was little and I plucked things to send to distant family. I ALWAYS made sure I wrote to great-aunts/uncles, grandparents [all my “offline people”] etc… and they usually wrote me back.

My Grandpa Bacon was also a pretty faithful pen pal in return. Before his hands became too arthritic, he would wrote me pages and pages. I often credit him for being the reason why I became “creative” in my writing. I decided one day that I couldn’t just say things like “basketball was fun.” His questions made me realize I had to paint a complete picture in my letters so he could EXPERIENCE what I meant to say. I’d often ask him to critique me. He continued to do so all through my college years.

I know I was blessed to get these gems. At some point he eventually switched over to typed letters. While the content was the same, the letters were different.

His handwritten letters would always include doodles and notes in all of the margins… his signature would always be variations of doodles of “Grandpa… loves you”…. but more importantly the doodles of….

“… and Sicnarf too…” Sometimes, Sicnarf would have something lengthy to say!

My grandpa ‘s name is Francis…. (yes…. Francis Bacon) Sicnarf… is Francis backwards.

his Sicnarf art was self-proclaimed awful but to me…. precious. Sicnarf would peak out over specific words or the edge of a margin. His long nose leading the way… fingertips over the edges. His eyes were often expressive of something important he had to say!

I know that some of my younger cousins may have missed out on grandpa’s humorous “awful” and fabulous art. I know it’s special.

One way I have shared my grandfather with my kids is to share that story. I’m sure it started w/ me randomly doodling Sicnarf on something when they were little.

Out of the blue today,…. I received a picture of…. Sicnarf Jr…. from Heather

Heather ‘s is prettier but I’m sure Grandpa approves! She said she always peeks over her cubemates’ wall and today she felt compelled to draw a Sicnarf friend and set him up to view over the glass.

I too had been talking about my grandfather in the few hours before receiving this txt. Jeff and I are still in SF and we were waiting at the bar, for a group for dinner to arrive. I was going to just order a ginger ale but the bartender, Francis, assured me he makes good mules…. I looked at Jeff and said “what? you know I’m partial to guys named Francis?”

If you get an opportunity to visit Scoma’s restaurant, you should make reservations so that you have a view of the water. The place has history and ambiance, excellent food and service.

…. and since I’ve told you all about Francis…. someday I should tell you about guys named Walter 😋

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Ghirardelli Square 08/24/19

[pics incl] This evening we walked around near Ghirardelli Square near Fishman’s Wharf

HAHAHAHA…. I might need these!

We walked around until it got to chilly for my head… and found a bakery that sells coffee. I was very sad they were sold out of teddy bear bread… and sea turtles… HAHAHAHA

Notice the fishing gear bread to the right of the black post.

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